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ISPMA MSc Thesis Award 2022: Celebrating Bogdan Moroz’s Contribution to Software Product Management

Bogdan Moroz was honored for his impactful thesis on B2B SaaS strategy development. His innovative work showcases a robust process model, significantly advancing the Software Product Management discipline.


ISPMA Grieves the Passing of Our Fellow Prof. Dr. Guenther Ruhe

ISPMA is profoundly saddened by the passing of Prof. Dr. Guenther Ruhe, a remarkable ISPMA Fellow and an outstanding Scholar. In tribute to Guenther, we have posthumously inducted him into the ISPMA’s Hall of Fame. Our deepest condolences are with his wife and family.


Introducing the New ISPMA Website

We are delighted to officially launch a newly redesigned ISPMA website to provide our members with an improved user experience, navigation, and functionality.


ISPMA is Rebranding

ISPMA is launching a new logo that reflects a more modern look and captures our vision to position ISPMA as one of the leaders in SPM education and certification.


Meet Ronald Weinacht: The First Recipient of the SPM High-5 Certification Award

ISPMA has created the new SPM High-5 Certification Award, to recognize product managers who have received all available ISPMA SPM Certificates. The first to be presented with the new award is Roland Weinacht from Linz, Austria.