
A curated list of publications to navigate the world of SPM

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1.conference paper

Data-driven Requirements Engineering: An Update.

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2019, pp. 289-290

Maalej Walid  •  Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Ruhe Guenther

Nowadays, users can easily submit feedback about software products in app stores, social media, or user groups. Moreover, software vendors are collecting massive amounts of implicit feedback in the form of usage data, error logs, and sensor data. These trends suggest a shift toward data-driven user-centered identification, prioritization, and management of software requirements. Developers should be able to adopt the requirements of masses of users when deciding what to develop and when to release. They could systematically use explicit and implicit user data in an aggregated form to support requirements decisions. In this talk we will present and discuss most recent achievements in this direction since the paper's original publication. We will also show to mine data sets mobile apps, give a few success/failure stories and a few practical advises.

product planning

2.conference paper

Towards New Ways of Evaluating Methods of Supporting Requirements Management and Traceability using Signal Ratio

International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE), 2019

Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Borg Markus  •  Gorschek Tony

Developing contemporary software solutions requires many processes and people working in synergy to achieve a common goal. Any misalignment between parts of the software production cycle can severely impede the quality of the development process and its resulting products. In this paper, we focus on improving means for measuring the quality of methods used to support finding similarities between software product artifacts, especially requirements. We propose a new set of measures, Signal-to-Noise ratios which extends the commonly used precision and recall measures. We test the applicability of all three types of SNR on two methods for finding similar requirements: the normalized compression distance (NCD) originating from the domain of information theory, and the Vector Space Model originating from computer linguistics. The results obtained present an interesting property of all types of SNR, all the values are centered around 1 which confirms our hypothesis that the analyzed methods can only limit the search space for the analysis. The analyst may still have difficulties in manually assessing the correct links among the incorrect ones.

product planning

3.journal article

Software developer productivity loss due to technical debt - A replication and extension study examining developers' development work

Journal of Systems and Software, 2019, vol. 156, pp. 41-61

Besker Terese  •  Martini Antonio  •  Bosch Jan

Software companies need to deliver customer value continuously, both from a short- and long-term perspective. However, software development can be impeded by technical debt (TD). Although significant theoretical work has been undertaken to describe the negative effects of TD, little empirical evidence exists on how much wasted time and additional activities TD causes. The study aims to explore the consequences of TD in terms of wastage of development time. This study investigates on which activities this wasted time is spent and whether different TD types impact the wasted time differently. This study reports the results of a longitudinal study surveying 43 developers and including16 interviews followed by validation by an additional study using a different and independent dataset and focused on replicating the findings addressing the findings. The analysis of the reported wasted time revealed that developers waste, on average, 23% of their time due to TD and that developers are frequently forced to introduce new TD. The most common activity on which additional time is spent is performing additional testing. The study provides evidence that TD hinders developers by causing an excessive waste of working time, where the wasted time negatively affects productivity.

product strategy

4.journal article

Multi-armed bandits in the wild: Pitfalls and strategies in online experiments.

Information and Software Technology, 2019, vol. 113, pp. 68-81

Mattos David Issa  •  Bosch Jan  •  Olsson Helena Holmström

Context Delivering faster value to customers with online experimentation is an emerging practice in industry. Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) based experiments have the potential to deliver even faster results with a better allocation of resources over traditional A/B experiments. However, the incorrect use of MAB-based experiments can lead to incorrect conclusions that can potentially hurt the company's business. Objective The objective of this study is to understand the pitfalls and restrictions of using MABs in online experiments, as well as the strategies that are used to overcome them. Method This research uses a multiple case study method with eleven experts across five software companies and simulations to triangulate the data of some of the identified limitations. Results This study analyzes some limitations faced by companies using MAB and discusses strategies used to overcome them. The results are summarized into practitioners’ guidelines with criteria to select an appropriated experimental design. Conclusion MAB algorithms have the potential to deliver even faster results with a better allocation of resources over traditional A/B experiments. However, potential mistakes can occur and hinder the potential benefits of such approach. Together with the provided guidelines, we aim for this paper to be used as reference material for practitioners during the design of an online experiment.

product planning product strategy

5.conference paper

Bridging the gap between software architecture and business model development: A literature study.

International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2019

Hyrynsalmi Sami  •  Rauti Sampsa  •  Kaila Erkki

The software architecture plan describes the high-level structure and logic of a software system. The architectural plan acts as a constitution and dictates the fundamental principles of the system; therefore, the plan also eventually determines which kinds of business models the software system can support. In the modern mercury business, there is need for experimentation in business model and flexibility in architecture. This paper uses a systematic literature review method to collect primary studies from the extant literature addressing business models and software architectures. The aim is to summarize the current knowledge. The selected primary studies (n=10) are qualitatively analyses and synthesized. The results show that the area remain mostly unaddressed and there is need to develop new methods to support flexible architecture design, tools and development methods.

product strategy

6.journal article

Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems

IEEE Software, 2019, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 17-21

Jansen Slinger  •  Cusumano Michael A.  •  Popp Karl Michael

We are happy to introduce to you the "Managing Software Platforms and Ecosystems" special issue of IEEE Software. This special issue is characterized by contributions from diverse theoretical fields, such as computer science, information science, and economics, with research applied in practical settings in software-intensive business. It is an overview of the current state of research and illustrates some of the largest innovations in the field as well as the gaps for future research.

product strategy

7.conference paper

The Role of Early User Participation in Discovering Software - A Case Study from the Context of Smart Glasses

International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019

Smart glasses facilitate advanced user interaction and increase workplace efficiency through innovation. Yet, their capabilities rely on user-driven discovery of new software that harnesses its benefits. This study investigates user participation during the discovery of new software, leveraging this emergent technology. We investigate user participation during software product discovery, i.e. during early activities that precede classical development and design activities, through an in-depth longitudinal case study with two representative user organizations. The results suggest an evolutionary perspective toward the benefits of different types of user participation: 1) user as a source of information, 2) user as a co-creator, and 3) user as an innovator. Practitioners benefit from our lessons learned, validation and extension of software discovery toward the emergent technology, and recommendations to apply user-driven software discovery. We distill three lessons: evolving types of user participation, enhancing desirability through user participation, and carefully discovering software products for emergent technologies.

product planning

8.journal article

How to Select Open Source Components.

IEEE Computer, 2019, vol. 52, issue 12, pp. 103-106

Spinellis Diomidis

With millions of open source projects available on forges such as GitHub, it may be difficult to select those that best match your requirements. Examining each project's product and development process can help you confidently select the open source projects required for your work.

product strategy

9.conference paper

Towards an Understanding of iIoT Ecosystem Evolution - MindSphere Case Study.

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2019, vol. 370, pp. 46-54

Petrik Dimitri  •  Herzwurm Georg


Currently emerging Industrial Internet of Things (iIoT) platforms form open and flexible networks with the aim of facilitating the integration of various stakeholders in the generation of platform-based added value. The ecosystem emergence process is still underresearched and remains a challenge for the platform providers. In this short paper, we analyze the ecosystem development by Siemens for the platform MindSphere to understand its evolution, based on the sequence of entered partnerships, and their interplay with the established platform boundary resources (BR). Based on this case study, our research identifies insights about how Siemens developed its ecosystem during three distinctive phases. Our analysis demonstrates a roadmap, helping to understand how Siemens managed to integrate distinctive company types as partners in the MindSphere ecosystem. The findings add to the theory on platform emergence by embedding it into a complex Business-to-Business (B2B) context of iIoT.

product strategy

10.journal article

How Companies Use OSS Tools Ecosystems for Open Innovation.

IT Professional, 2019, vol. 21, issue 6, pp. 40-45

Munir Hussan  •  Runeson Per  •  Wnuk Krzysztof

Moving toward the open innovation (OI) model requires multifaceted transformations within companies. It often involves giving away the tools for product development or sharing future product directions with open tools ecosystems. Moving from the traditional closed innovation model toward an OI model for software development tools shows the potential to increase software development competence and efficiency of organizations. We report a case study in software-intensive company developing embedded devices (e.g., smartphones) followed by a survey in OSS communities such as Gerrit, Git, and Jenkins. The studied branch focuses on developing Android phones. This paper presents contribution strategies and triggers for openness. These strategies include avoid forking OSS tools, empower developers to participate in the ecosystem, steer ecosystems through contributions, create business through differentiation, and create new ecosystems. The triggers of openness are from 30 different companies with examples. Finally, openness requires a cultural change aligned with strategies and business models.

strategic management

11.journal article

The cloud as an innovation platform for software development

Communications of the ACM, 2019, vol. 62, issue 10, pp. 20–22

Cusumano Michael A.

strategic management

12.journal article

A focus area maturity model for software ecosystem governance.

Information and Software Technology, 2020, vol. 118

Jansen Slinger

Context: Increasingly, software companies are realizing that they can no longer compete through product excellence alone. The ecosystems that surround platforms, such as operating systems, enterprise applications, and even social networks are undeniably responsible for a large part of a platform’s success. With this realization, software producing organizations need to devise tools and strategies to improve their ecosystems and reinvent tools that others have invented many times before. Objective: In this article, the software ecosystem governance maturity model (SEG-M2) is presented, which has been designed along the principles of a focus area maturity model. The SEG-M2 has been designed for software producing organizations to assess their ecosystem governance practices, set a goal for improvement, and execute an improvement plan. Method: The model has been created following an established focus area maturity model design method. The model has been evaluated in six evaluating case studies with practitioners, first by applying the model to their organizations and secondly by evaluating with the practitioners whether the evaluation and improvement advice from the model is valid, useful, and effective. Result: The model is extensively described and illustrated using six desk studies and six case studies. Conclusions: The model is evaluated by both researchers and practitioners as a useful collection of practices that enable decision making about software ecosystem governance. We find that maturity models are an effective tool in disseminating a large collection of knowledge, but that research and creation tooling for maturity models is limited.

product strategy

13.conference paper

A SECO Meta-model - A Common Vocabulary of the SECO Research Domain.

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2019, vol. 370, pp. 31-45

Wouters J.  •  Ritmeester J. R.  •  Carlsen A. W.  •  Jansen Slinger  •  Wnuk Krzysztof


Software development companies are venturing towards collaborative approach and software ecosystems (SECO) participation. Over the years, many papers have been written and different modelling languages were proposed to capture the interactions between the SECO participants. What is missing, however, is a comprehensive meta-model describing possible entities and relationships that constitute a SECO. The goal of this paper is to create a common language for academic researchers for software ecosystems by creating such a meta-model. We constructed the meta-model by extracting and grouping entities and relationships from research papers. The meta-model consists of 5 themes: actors and roles, products and platforms, boundaries, ecosystem health and strategy. We advocate that our meta-model allows for easy sharing and comparing of case studies and the generalization of results across studies. We present the results from initial expert evaluation of the meta-model.

product strategy

14.conference paper

There's No Business Like Software Business: Trends in Software Intensive Business Research.

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2019, vol. 370, pp. 19-27

Jansen Slinger


Software intensive business research is rapidly evolving. Over the last decade we have witnessed a surge in research output but as the field matures, its future remains unsure. In this paper an overview is provided of the highlights and trends of software intensive business research. We briefly discuss the most cited papers in the domain and provide a hype cycle for software intensive business research. With this paper, we hope that researchers can forge more solid research strategies for themselves in the domain, to achieve longevity, academic depth, and impact.

15.conference paper

Forging High-Quality User Stories: Towards a Discipline for Agile Requirements

IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2015

Lucassen Garm  •  Dalpiaz Fabiano  •  Werf Jan Martijn  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

User stories are a widely used notation for formulating requirements in agile development. Despite their popularity in industry, little to no academic work is available on determining their quality. The few existing approaches are too generic or employ highly qualitative metrics. We propose the Quality User Story Framework, consisting of 14 quality criteria that user stories should strive to conform to. Additionally, we introduce the conceptual model of a user story, which we rely on to subsequently design the AQUSA tool. This conceptual piece of software aids requirements engineers in turning raw user stories into higher quality ones by exposing defects and deviations from good practice in user stories. We evaluate our work by applying the framework and a prototype implementation to multiple case studies.

product planning

16.conference paper

Internationalization and Export of Software Products

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2015, vol. 210, pp. 207-222

Huijs Maarten  •  Jansen Slinger  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

Independent software vendors need to grow beyond their domestic markets. Software producing organizations are faced with a great number of options and opportunities on how they choose to conduct internationalization. Interestingly, efforts conducted have a high failure rate and software companies rarely succeed at first. In this paper we present a systematic mapping study and the results of 20 interviews with CEOs in the Dutch software sector. This study highlights the most important decisions made during the process of internationalization: the drivers, the process planning, market selection, and the followed market entry strategy. The choices available to the key decision makers in the right market selection and entry strategy are most strongly influenced and limited by the product architecture, characteristics of the product and company, and the level of internationalization experience located within the independent software company. The findings from this research support decision making in internationalization projects by software firms and policy makers in finding support strategies for export missions.

product strategy

17.journal article

Playing the Numbers Game: Dealing with Transparency

Academy of Management Journal, 2015

Pachidi Stella  •  Huysman Marleen  •  Berends Hans  •  van de Weerd Inge

Our research focus is on unpacking the performativity of transparency in order to explain how digital technologies, formerly perceived as enablers of surveillance and control, afford opaqueness as much as transparency. We develop a sociomaterial perspective on transparency and investigate how transparency in organizations is co-constituted by the materiality of digital technologies used in the workplace, together with the actions of the organizational members, who project the material effects of their actions and accordingly choose to be transparent or opaque. We extend our understanding of the performativity of transparency by taking into consideration the temporality of transparency and using a trichordal approach to understand its emergence. By performing a qualitative study in the business division of a large telecommunications organization, we analyze the material-discursive practices through which account managers become transparent and opaque in their interaction with a customer relationship management system. We show that these practices emerge while account managers are oriented to the effects of transparency in the past, present, or future, and develop a model to illustrate how transparency and opaqueness are produced interchangeably along this trichordal composition. The paper contributes to the discussion on the role of transparency in organizations and its interchange with opaqueness, by bringing to the foreground its sociomaterial and temporal nature.

18.conference paper

One Size Does Not Fit All: Software Product Management for Speedboats vs. Cruiseships

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2015

Kittlaus Hans-Bernd

A product manager responsible for an established licensed software product that is used by hundreds or thousands of enterprise customers in regulated industries feels hopelessly old-fashioned when she listens to a Silicon Valley consultant talking about his latest experiences. Multiple releases per day? "Very funny! We are happy if our customers install one release per year." So there is certainly business justification for different scenarios. Which scenarios do we need to consider? Which factors influence the way SPM needs to be implemented and applied so much that they define the scenarios? Which SPM approaches and methods fit which scenario best? The presentation will provide a taxonomy of relevant scenarios with their defining characteristics and suggest appropriate SPM approaches for the scenarios based on practical experience in different customer environments.

product strategy

19.conference paper

Requirements Analysis as a Negotiation Process

International Conference on Group Decision & Negotiation (GDN), 2015

Lenz Annika  •  Schoop Mareike  •  Herzwurm Georg

Requirements engineering is an essential part of software development. Here, the necessary requirements are elicited, clarified, agreed upon, validated, and documented. To do so, the stakeholders engage in complex negotiation processes. The paper discusses the specifics of such requirements negotiations and the potential of negotiation systems to support them.

product planning

20.conference paper

Quality Function Deployment in software development - State-of-the-art-

International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, 2015

Herzwurm Georg  •  Schockert Sixten  •  Tauterat Tobias

product planning

21.journal article

Looking into the Future

IEEE Software, 2015, vol. 32, issue 6, pp. 92-97

Ebert C.

Surveys of and interviews with software business leaders around the world point to success factors that will advance the software business over the next 30 years. However, the responses left unaddressed whether we evolve to Humanity 2.0-or a posthuman society.

strategic management

22.journal article

Designing a Requirement Mining System

Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2015, vol. 16, issue 9, pp. 799-837

Meth Henrik  •  Mueller Benjamin  •  Maedche Alexander

The success of information systems (IS) development strongly depends on the accuracy of the requirements gathered from users and other stakeholders. When developing a new IS, about 80 percent of these requirements are recorded in informal requirements documents (e.g., interview transcripts or discussion forums) using natural language. However, processing the resultant natural language requirements resources is inherently complex and often error prone due to ambiguity, inconsistency, and incompleteness. Thus, even highly qualified requirements engineers often struggle to process large amounts of natural language requirements resources efficiently and effectively. In this paper, we propose a design theory for requirement mining systems (RMSs) based on two design principles: (1) semi-automatic requirement mining and (2) usage of imported and retrieved knowledge. As part of an extensive design project, which led to these principles, we also implemented a prototype based on this design theory (REMINER). It supports requirements engineers in identifying and classifying requirements documented in natural language and allows us to evaluate the artifact’s viability and the conceptual soundness of our design. The results of our evaluation suggest that an RMS based on our proposed design principles can significantly improve recall while maintaining precision levels.

product strategy

23.conference paper

Why do Companies Adopt or Reject SaaS? Looking at the Organizational Aspect

Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2015

Mangula Ivonne  •  van de Weerd Inge  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of three organizational factors on the adoption of SaaS in Indonesian companies, namely top management support, organizational readiness, and organizational size. We conducted interviews with 15 case companies. Our results show that top management support has a positive influence on SaaS adoption, while organizational readiness and organizational size have an inverse effect. This is surprising, since it contradicts existing research on IT innovation adoption. We also found that the SaaS awareness level of our interviewees remains low, especially among the non-adopters. These findings have implications for IT service providers that want to formulate strategies to increase the intention to adopt SaaS in Indonesian companies; as well as for IT innovation researchers who have an interest in SaaS adoption in developing countries. Keywords: Software as a Service, Adoption, Technology-Organization-Environment framework, Indonesia

product strategy

24.conference paper

Artefacts in Agile Software Development

Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2015, vol. 9459, pp. 133-148

Wagenaar Gerard  •  Helms Remko  •  Damian Daniela  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

Springer International Publishing

Agile software development methods prefer limited use of artefacts. On the basis of existing artefact models and results from three case studies we present a Scrum artefact model. In this model we notice teams using Scrum artefacts, but they, in addition, decided to produce various non-Scrum artefacts, most notably design documents, test plans and user or release related materials.

25.journal article

Conceptualizing Individualization in Information Systems - A Literature Review

Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2015, vol. 37, issue 1, pp. 64-88

Gass Oliver  •  Ortbach Kevin  •  Kretzer Martin  •  Maedche Alexander  •  Niehaves Björn

Driven by advances in information and communication technology, end users nowadays operate extensive information systems to support all kinds of private and professional activities. Previous IS research has coined various terms to refer to this rather new phenomenon. Some scholars call it individualization in IS; others refer to it as consumerization of IT. While scholars still struggle to agree on a common conceptualization and terminology, it is clear that particular aspects of this new phenomenon have already been addressed by previous work on technology acceptance, satisfaction, or technology diffusion. However, these previous findings do not form a distinct and integrated body of knowledge because no one has yet associated them with the phenomenon of individualization. To address this gap, we suggest an integrated, yet generic, conceptualization of individualization in form of a meta-theory. Based on the key entities and relations of the meta-theory, we conduct a structured literature review to identify pre-existing IS contributions to the individualization phenomenon, which help explain the phenomenon of individualization in IS. Furthermore, we analyze the identified literature for gaps in understanding the phenomenon and outline future research opportunities.

product strategy

26.conference paper

Requirements Engineering in Open Innovation: A Research Agenda

International Conference on Software and System Process, 2015, pp. 208–212

Linåker Johan  •  Regnell Bjoern  •  Munir Hussan


In recent years Open Innovation (OI) has gained much attention and made firms aware that they need to consider the open environment surrounding them. To facilitate this shift Requirements Engineering (RE) needs to be adapted in order to manage the increase and complexity of new requirements sources as well as networks of stakeholders. In response we build on and advance an earlier proposed software engineering framework for fostering OI, focusing on stakeholder management, when to open up, and prioritization and release planning. Literature in open source RE is contrasted against recent findings of OI in software engineering to establish a current view of the area. Based on the synthesized findings we propose a research agenda within the areas under focus, along with a framing-model to help researchers frame and break down their research questions to consider the different angles implied by the OI model.

product planning

27.conference paper

Aligning Quality Requirements and Test Results with QUPER's Roadmap View for Improved High-Level Decision-Making

International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing (RET), 2015, pp. 1-4

Svensson R.B.  •  Regnell B.

Weak alignment of requirements engineering (RE) and Software Testing (ST) may lead to problems in delivering the required products in time with the right quality. Despite the importance of aligning RE and ST, the research have mainly been focused on one or the other of RE and ST. Previous work has identified several challenges in aligning RE and ST related to Quality Requirements, for example, the need for tool support for QR, defining and managing QR, and verification of QR. In this position paper, we introduce a new view of the QUPER model, namely aligning QR targets and test results in QUPERs roadmap view. The alignment view was evaluated at a case company with 13 practitioners. The results show that the alignment of QR and test results using QUPER's roadmap view was viewed as an important input to the decision-making process.

product planning

28.journal article

Supporting Scope Tracking and Visualization for Very Large-Scale Requirements Engineering-Utilizing FSC+, Decision Patterns, and Atomic Decision Visualizations

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2016, vol. 42, issue 1, pp. 47-74

Wnuk K.  •  Gorschek T.  •  Callele D.  •  Karlsson E. A.  •  Ahlin E.  •  Regnell B.

Deciding the optimal project scope that fulfills the needs of the most important stakeholders is challenging due to a plethora of aspects that may impact decisions. Large companies that operate in rapidly changing environments experience frequently changing customer needs which force decision makers to continuously adjust the scope of their projects. Change intensity is further fueled by fierce market competition and hard time-to-market deadlines. Staying in control of the changes in thousands of features becomes a major issue as information overload hinders decision makers from rapidly extracting relevant information. This paper presents a visual technique, called Feature Survival Charts+ (FSC+), designed to give a quick and effective overview of the requirements scoping process for Very Large-Scale Requirements Engineering (VLSRE). FSC+ were applied at a large company with thousands of features in the database and supported the transition from plan-driven to a more dynamic and change-tolerant release scope management process. FSC+ provides multiple views, filtering, zooming, state-change intensity views, and support for variable time spans. Moreover, this paper introduces five decision archetypes deduced from the dataset and subsequently analyzed and the atomic decision visualization that shows the frequency of various decisions in the process. The capabilities and usefulness of FSC+, decision patterns (state changes that features undergo) and atomic decision visualizations are evaluated through interviews with practitioners who found utility in all techniques and indicated that their inherent flexibility was necessary to meet the varying needs of the stakeholders.

product planning

29.conference paper

QoE Probe: A Requirements-Monitoring Tool

International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2016

Fotrousi Farnaz  •  Fricker Samuel

Runtime requirement monitoring is used for verification and validation of implemented requirements. To monitor the requirements in runtime; we propose a “QoE probe” tool, a mobile application integrated through an API, to collect usage logs as well as users' Quality of Experience (QoE) in the form of user feedback. The analysis of the collected data guides requirement monitoring of functional and non-functional requirements as well as capturing new requirements.

product planning

30.journal article

An empirical investigation of single-objective and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for developer's assignment to bugs

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2016, pp. n/a–n/a

Karim Muhammad Rezaul  •  Ruhe Günther  •  Rahman Md. Mainur  •  Garousi Vahid  •  Zimmermann Thomas

In this paper, the modeling of developers’ assignment to bugs (DAB) is studied. The problem is modeled both as a single objective (minimize bug fix time) and as a bi-objective (minimize bug fix time and cost) combinatorial optimization problem. Two models of developer assignment are considered where in the first model a single developer is assigned per bug (single developer model), while in the second model a single developer is assigned for each competency area of a bug (individual competency model). The latter model is proposed in this paper. For the single developer model, GA@DAB, an existing genetic algorithm-based approach, is extended to support precedence among bugs. For the individual competency model of DAB, one genetic algorithm-based approach (Competence@DAB) and one nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II-based approach (CompetenceMulti2@DAB ) are proposed to generate solutions minimizing time and minimizing both time and cost, respectively. The performance of the proposed approaches was evaluated for 2040 bugs of 19 open-source milestone projects from the Eclipse platform. Our results and analysis show that the proposed individual competency model is far better than the single developer model, with average bug fix time reduction of 39.7% across all projects.

product planning

31.conference paper

Software Analytics for Planning Product Evolution

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2016

Fotrousi Farnaz  •  Fricker Samuel

Evolution of a software product is inevitable as product context changes and the product gradually becomes less useful if it is not adapted. Planning is a basis to evolve a software product. The product manager, who carries responsibilities of planning, requires but does not always have access to high-quality information for making the best possible planning decisions. The current study aims to understand whether and when analytics are valuable for product planning and how they can be interpreted to a software product plan. The study was designed with an interview-based survey methodology approach through 17 in-depth semi-structured interviews with product managers. Based on results from qualitative analysis of the interviews, we defined an analytics-based model. The model shows that analytics have potentials to support the interpretation of product goals while is constrained by both product characteristics and product goals. The model implies how to use analytics for a good support of product planning evolution.

product planning

32.journal article

Service-Channel Fit Conceptualization and Instrument Development

Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2016, vol. 8, issue 49, pp. 1-14

Hoehle Hartmut  •  Kude Thomas  •  Huff Sid  •  Popp Karl Michael

Electronically mediated self-service technologies in the banking industry have impacted the way banks service consumers. Despite a large body of research on electronic banking channels, no study has been undertaken to empirically explore the fit between electronic banking channels and banking services. To address this gap, we developed and validated a service-channel fit conceptualization and an associated survey instrument. We applied a mixed methods approach and initially investigated industry experts’ perceptions regarding the concept of ‘service-channel fit’ (SCF). The findings demonstrated that the concept was highly valued by bank managers. Next, we developed an instrument to measure the perceived service-channel fit of electronic banking channels. The instrument was developed using expert rounds and two pretests involving approximately 300 consumers in New Zealand. Drawing on IS alignment literature, we created a parallel instrument allowing us to calculate SCF across three unique fit dimensions, including service complexity-channel fit, service importance-channel fit, and service routineness-channel fit. To explore the nomological validity of the SCF construct, we linked SCF to customers’ intention to use a specific channel for a particular banking task. We tested our model with data from 340 consumers in New Zealand using Internet banking applications for two different banking tasks. The results of our study have theoretical and practical implications for how clients should be serviced through electronically mediated banking channels.

product strategy

33.conference paper

Release Practices for Mobile Apps – What do Users and Developers Think?

IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), 2016, vol. 1, pp. 552-562

Nayebi M.  •  Adams B.  •  Ruhe G.

Large software organizations such as Facebook or Netflix, who otherwise make daily or even hourly releases of their web applications using continuous delivery, have had to invest heavily into a customized release strategy for their mobile apps, because the vetting process of app stores introduces lag and uncertainty into the release process. Amidst these large, resourceful organizations, it is unknown how the average mobile app developer organizes her app's releases, even though an incorrect strategy might bring a premature app update to the market that drives away customers towards the heavy market competition. To understand the common release strategies used for mobile apps, the rationale behind them and their perceived impact on users, we performed two surveys with users and developers. We found that half of the developers have a clear strategy for their mobile app releases, since especially the more experienced developers believe that it affects user feedback. We also found that users are aware of new app updates, yet only half of the surveyed users enables automatic updating of apps. While the release date and frequency is not a decisive factor to install an app, users prefer to install apps that were updated more recently and less frequently. Our study suggests that an app's release strategy is a factor that affects the ongoing success of mobile apps.

product planning

34.conference paper

Software Release Planning

International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, 2016, pp. 894–895

Franch Xavier  •  Ruhe Guenther


One of the most critical activities in software product development is the decisional process that assigns features to subsequent releases under technical, resource, risk, and budget constraints. This decision-centric process is referred to as software release planning (SRP). This briefing will expose a state of the art on SRP. A survey of the most relevant approaches will be presented. Emphasis will be made on their applicability (concerning e.g. type of development process - being more predictive versus more adaptive, type of system - commercial, open source product or mobile app), tool support and degree of validation in industry. One of these approaches, EVOLVE, will be analysed in detail.

product planning

35.conference paper

Applying Data Analytics Towards Optimized Issue Management: An Industrial Case Study

International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry, 2016, pp. 7–13

Karim Muhammad Rezaul  •  Al Alam S. M. Didar  •  Kabeer Shaikh Jeeshan  •  Ruhe Günther  •  Baluta Basil  •  Mahmud Shafquat


This document describes our experience of applying data analytics at Plexina, a leading IT company working in the healthcare domain. The main goal of the project was to identify factors currently affecting issue management and to make analytics based suggestions for optimizing the process. Various statistical and machine learning techniques were applied on a data set extracted from six releases of Plexina, containing more than 666 issues. Statistical techniques successfully identified the various factors that leads to estimation inaccuracy related to issues as well as identified the hidden relationships existing among various variables. The employed predictive analytic models was also successful to some extent, in predicting effort estimation related inaccuracy associated with the issues. The insights provided by the entire data analytics study can be of great help to product managers or the developers to make more informed decisions. In addition, the guidelines presented in this paper based on the lessons learnt can be applied to other data analytics and academia-industry collaboration project.


36.journal article

How Firms Adapt and Interact in Open Source Ecosystems: Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Collaboration Patterns

International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2016, vol. 9619, pp. 63-81

Linåker Johan  •  Rempel Patrick  •  Regnell Björn  •  Mäder Patrick

[Context and motivation] Ecosystems developed as Open Source Software (OSS) are considered to be highly innovative and reactive to new market trends due to their openness and wide-ranging contributor base. Participation in OSS often implies opening up of the software development process and exposure towards new stakeholders. [Question/Problem] Firms considering to engage in such an environment should carefully consider potential opportunities and challenges upfront. The openness may lead to higher innovation potential but also to frictional losses for engaged firms. Further, as an ecosystem progresses, power structures and influence on feature selection may fluctuate accordingly. [Principal ideas/results] We analyze the Apache Hadoop ecosystem in a quantitative longitudinal case study to investigate changing stakeholder influence and collaboration patterns. Further, we investigate how its innovation and time-to-market evolve at the same time. [Contribution] Findings show collaborations between and influence shifting among rivaling and non-competing firms. Network analysis proves valuable on how an awareness of past, present and emerging stakeholders, in regards to power structure and collaborations may be created. Furthermore, the ecosystem’s innovation and time-to-market show strong variations among the release history. Indications were also found that these characteristics are influenced by the way how stakeholders collaborate with each other.

product strategy

37.conference paper

Systematic Mapping of Technology-Enabled Product Innovations

International Workshop on Software Product Management, 2016

Fricker Samuel

Many new products, or services offered as a product, are expected to solve customer problems in new ways or exploit available technology in new or better ways. To innovate, a company needs to have a reliable understanding of the state-of-the-art. That need concerns both, an understanding of the problems that may be addressed and the solutions that have been explored and tried so far. This paper proposes systematic mappings as a method for reviewing the state-of-the-art in a technological or application domain. The method complements bespoke and experience-based approaches by guiding the identification of repositories with information about innovation projects and the analysis and interpretation of the data provided by these repositories. The paper describes the method, demonstrates its application with an example initiated by real-world innovation need, and discusses the potential benefits and limitations of the method.

strategic management

38.journal article

Core software product management activities

Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2017, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 23-45

Maglyas Andrey  •  Nikula Uolevi  •  Smolander Kari  •  Fricker Samuel A.

Purpose Software product management (SPM) unites disciplines related to product strategy, planning, development, and release. There are many organizational activities addressing technical, social, and market issues when releasing a software product. Owing to the high number of activities involved, SPM remains a complex discipline to adopt. The purpose of this paper is to understand what are the core and supporting SPM activities. Design/methodology/approach The authors adopted the research method of meta-ethnography to present a set of techniques for synthesizing individual qualitative studies to increase the degree of conceptualization. The results obtained from three empirical studies were synthesized using the meta-ethnography approach to enhance, rethink, and create a higher level abstraction of the findings. Findings The results show that the study has both theoretical and practical contribution. As the meta-ethnography synthesis has not been widely applied in software engineering, the authors illustrate how to use this research method in the practice of software engineering research. The practical contribution of the study is in the identification of five core and six supporting SPM activities. Originality/value The practical value of this paper is in the identification of core SPM activities that should be present in any company practicing SPM. The list of supporting SPM consists of activities that are not reported to product manager but affect the product success.

strategic management

39.conference paper

Comparative Analysis of Predictive Techniques for Release Readiness Classification

International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering, 2016, pp. 15–21

Didar Al Alam S. M.  •  Karim Muhammad Rezaul  •  Pfahl Dietmar  •  Ruhe Günther


Context: A software release is the deployment of a version of an evolving software product. Product managers are typically responsible for deciding the release content, time frame, price, and quality of the release. Due to all the dynamic changes in the project and process parameters, the decision is highly complex and of high impact. Objective: This paper has two objectives: i) Comparative analysis of predictive techniques in classifying an ongoing release in terms of its expected release readiness., and ii) Comparative analysis between regular and ensemble classifiers to classify an ongoing release in terms of its expected release readiness. Methodology: We use machine learning classifiers to predict release readiness. We analyzed three OSS projects under Apache Software Foundation from JIRA issue repository. As a retrospective study, we covered a period of 70 months, 85 releases and 1696 issues. We monitored eight established variables to train classifiers in order to predict whether releases will be ready versus non-ready. Predictive performance of different classifiers was compared by measuring precision, recall, F-measure, balanced accuracy, and area under the ROC curve (AUC). Results: Comparative analysis among nine classifiers revealed that ensemble classifiers significantly outperform regular classifiers. Balancing precision and recall, Random Forrest and BaggedADABoost were the two best performers in total, while Naïve Bayes performed best among just the regular classifiers.

product planning

40.conference paper

A Search Based Approach Towards Robust Optimization in Software Product Line Scoping

Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2015, pp. 1415–1416

Karimpour Reza  •  Ruhe Guenther


Software product line (SPL) scoping is important for planning upfront investment. One challenge with scoping comes from inaccuracies in estimated parameters and uncertainty in environment. In this paper, a method to incorporate uncertainty in SPL scoping optimization and its application to generate robust solutions is proposed. We model scoping optimization as a multi-objective problem with profit and stability as heuristics. To evaluate our proposal, a number of experiments are conducted. Analysis of results show that both performance stability and feasibility stability were improved providing the product line manager enhanced decision-making support.

product planning

41.journal article

Evaluating Health Information Systems Using Ontologies

JMIR Medical Informatics, 2016, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. e20

Eivazzadeh Shahryar  •  Anderberg Peter  •  Larsson Tobias C  •  Fricker Samuel A  •  Berglund Johan

Background: There are several frameworks that attempt to address the challenges of evaluation of health information systems by offering models, methods, and guidelines about what to evaluate, how to evaluate, and how to report the evaluation results. Model-based evaluation frameworks usually suggest universally applicable evaluation aspects but do not consider case-specific aspects. On the other hand, evaluation frameworks that are case specific, by eliciting user requirements, limit their output to the evaluation aspects suggested by the users in the early phases of system development. In addition, these case-specific approaches extract different sets of evaluation aspects from each case, making it challenging to collectively compare, unify, or aggregate the evaluation of a set of heterogeneous health information systems. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to find a method capable of suggesting evaluation aspects for a set of one or more health information systems—whether similar or heterogeneous—by organizing, unifying, and aggregating the quality attributes extracted from those systems and from an external evaluation framework. Methods: On the basis of the available literature in semantic networks and ontologies, a method (called Unified eValuation using Ontology; UVON) was developed that can organize, unify, and aggregate the quality attributes of several health information systems into a tree-style ontology structure. The method was extended to integrate its generated ontology with the evaluation aspects suggested by model-based evaluation frameworks. An approach was developed to extract evaluation aspects from the ontology that also considers evaluation case practicalities such as the maximum number of evaluation aspects to be measured or their required degree of specificity. The method was applied and tested in Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research (FI-STAR), a project of 7 cloud-based eHealth applications that were developed and deployed across European Union countries. Results: The relevance of the evaluation aspects created by the UVON method for the FI-STAR project was validated by the corresponding stakeholders of each case. These evaluation aspects were extracted from a UVON-generated ontology structure that reflects both the internally declared required quality attributes in the 7 eHealth applications of the FI-STAR project and the evaluation aspects recommended by the Model for ASsessment of Telemedicine applications (MAST) evaluation framework. The extracted evaluation aspects were used to create questionnaires (for the corresponding patients and health professionals) to evaluate each individual case and the whole of the FI-STAR project. Conclusions: The UVON method can provide a relevant set of evaluation aspects for a heterogeneous set of health information systems by organizing, unifying, and aggregating the quality attributes through ontological structures. Those quality attributes can be either suggested by evaluation models or elicited from the stakeholders of those systems in the form of system requirements. The method continues to be systematic, context sensitive, and relevant across a heterogeneous set of health information systems.

strategic management

42.journal article

Interview with Michael Nilles on “What Makes Leaders Successful in the Age of the Digital Transformation?”

Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2016, vol. 58, issue 4, pp. 287-289

Maedche Alexander

strategic management

43.journal article

Adoption of software as a service in Indonesia: Examining the influence of organizational factors

Information and Management, 2016

van de Weerd Inge  •  Sartika Mangula Ivonne  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

In this study, we investigated the organizational factors that influenced Indonesian companies in their decision to adopt software as a service (SaaS). Based on a multiple-case study of 18 Indonesian companies, we identified three patterns: Top management support is an enabler for SaaS adoption; small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more likely to adopt SaaS than large companies; and organizational readiness is not an enabler for SaaS adoption. The last two patterns contradict existing information technology (IT) innovation adoption research. We explain this by examining the nature of SaaS as an IT innovation and the characteristics of Indonesia as a developing country.

product strategy

44.conference paper

A critical analysis of Software QFD publications

International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, 2016

Herzwurm Georg  •  Schockert Sixten  •  Tauterat Tobias

Software QFD represents a variant of QFD for developing software products. This paper presents the results of a literature review on Software QFD. We analyzed 108 papers with respect to several viewpoints: corresponding type of Software QFD model used i.e. traditional comprehensive, focused or dynamic Software QFD; reported case study and involved application domain; form of embedding QFD into the software development process; the depth of deployments and used software artefacts; and essential methodological characteristics like the differentiation of customer segments and the prioritization of requirements and solution characteristics. Based on the findings of this analysis we will give a short outlook on the future use of QFD in software development.

product planning

45.journal article

Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2016, vol. PP, issue 99, pp. 1-1

Borg Markus  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Regnell Björn  •  Runeson Per

Change Impact Analysis (CIA) during software evolution of safety-critical systems is a labor-intensive task. Several authors have proposed tool support for CIA, but very few tools were evaluated in industry. We present a case study on ImpRec, a recommendation System for Software Engineering (RSSE), tailored for CIA at a process automation company. ImpRec builds on assisted tracing, using information retrieval solutions and mining software repositories to recommend development artifacts, potentially impacted when resolving incoming issue reports. In contrast to the majority of tools for automated CIA, ImpRec explicitly targets development artifacts that are not source code. We evaluate ImpRec in a two-phase study. First, we measure the correctness of ImpRec’s recommendations by a simulation based on 12 years’ worth of issue reports in the company. Second, we assess the utility of working with ImpRec by deploying the RSSE in two development teams on different continents. The results suggest that ImpRec presents about 40% of the true impact among the top-10 recommendations. Furthermore, user log analysis indicates that ImpRec can support CIA in industry, and developers acknowledge the value of ImpRec in interviews. In conclusion, our findings show the potential of reusing traceability associated with developers’ past activities in an RSSE.

product planning

46.journal article

Open innovation in software engineering: a systematic mapping study

Empirical Software Engineering, 2016, vol. 21, issue 2, pp. 684–723

Munir Hussan  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Runeson Per

Open innovation (OI) means that innovation is fostered by using both external and internal influences in the innovation process. In software engineering (SE), OI has existed for decades, while we currently see a faster and broader move towards OI in SE. We therefore survey research on how OI takes place and contributes to innovation in SE. This study aims to synthesize the research knowledge on OI in the SE domain. We launched a systematic mapping study and conducted a thematic analysis of the results. Moreover, we analyzed the strength of the evidence in the light of a rigor and relevance assessment of the research. We identified 33 publications, divided into 9 themes related to OI. 17/33 studies fall in the high–rigor/high–relevance category, suggesting the results are highly industry relevant. The research indicates that start-ups have higher tendency to opt for OI compared to incumbents. The evidence also suggests that firms assimilating knowledge into their internal R&D activities, have higher likelihood of gaining financial advantages. We concluded that OI should be adopted as a complementary approach to facilitate internal innovation and not to substitute it. Further research is advised on situated OI strategies and the interplay between OI and agile practices.

strategic management

47.conference paper

Release Readiness Classification: An Explorative Case Study

ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2016, pp. 27:1–27:7

Al Alam S. M. Didar  •  Pfahl Dietmar  •  Ruhe Guenther


Context: To survive in a highly competitive software market, product managers are striving for frequent, incremental releases in ever shorter cycles. Release decisions are characterized by high complexity and have a high impact on project success. Under such conditions, using the experience from past releases could help product managers to take more informed decisions. Goal and research objectives: To make decisions about when to make a release more operational, we formulated release readiness (RR) as a binary classification problem. The goal of our research presented in this paper is twofold: (i) to propose a machine learning approach called RC* (Release readiness Classification applying predictive techniques) with two approaches for defining the training set called incremental and sliding window, and (ii) to empirically evaluate the applicability of RC* for varying project characteristics. Methodology: In the form of explorative case study research, we applied the RC* method to four OSS projects under the Apache Software Foundation. We retrospectively covered a period of 82 months, 90 releases and 3722 issues. We use Random Forest as the classification technique along with eight independent variables to classify release readiness in individual weeks. Predictive performance was measured in terms of precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy. Results: The incremental and sliding window approaches respectively achieve an overall 76% and 79% accuracy in classifying RR for four analyzed projects. Incremental approach outperforms sliding window approach in terms of stability of the predictive performance. Predictive performance for both approaches are significantly influenced by three project characteristics i) release duration, ii) number of issues in a release, iii) size of the initial training dataset. Conclusion: As our initial observation we identified, incremental approach achieves higher accuracy when releases have long duration, low number of issues and classifiers are trained with large training set. On the other hand, sliding window approach achieves higher accuracy when releases have short duration and classifiers are trained with small training set.

product planning

48.journal article

Evolutionary robust optimization for software product line scoping: An explorative study

Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 2017, vol. 47, issue 2, pp. 189-210

Karimpour Reza  •  Ruhe Guenther

Background: Software product line (SPL) scoping is an important phase when planning for product line adoption. An SPL scope specifies: (1) the extent of the domain supported by the product line, (2) portfolio of products in the product line and (3) list of assets to be developed for reuse across the family of products. Issue: SPL scope planning is usually based on estimates about the state of the market and the engineering capabilities of the development team. One challenge with these estimates is that there are inaccuracies due to uncertainty in the environment or accuracy of measurement. This may result in issues ranging from suboptimal plans to infeasible plans. Objective: To address the above, we propose to include uncertainty as part of the SPL scoping model. Plans developed in consideration of uncertainty would be more robust against possible fluctuations in estimates. Approach: In this paper, a method to incorporate uncertainty in scoping optimization and its application to generate robust solutions is proposed. We capture uncertainty as part of the formulation and model scoping optimization as a multi-objective problem with profit and stability as fitness functions. Profit stability and feasibility stability are considered to represent stability concerns. Results: Results show that, compared to other scope optimization approaches, both performance stability and feasibility stability are improved while maintaining near optimal performance for profit objective. Also, generated results consist of solutions with trade-offs between profit and stability, providing the decision maker with enhanced decision support. Conclusion: Multi-objective optimization with stability consideration for SPL scoping provides project managers with a robust and flexible way to address uncertainty in the process of SPL scoping.

product planning

49.conference paper

Supporting Strategic Decision-Making for Selection of Software Assets

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2016, pp. 1–15

Wohlin Claes  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Smite Darja  •  Franke Ulrik  •  Badampudi Deepika  •  Cicchetti Antonio

Springer International Publishing

Companies developing software are constantly striving to gain or keep their competitive advantage on the market. To do so, they should balance what to develop themselves and what to get from elsewhere, which may be software components or software services. These strategic decisions need to be aligned with business objectives and the capabilities and constraints of possible options. These sourcing options include: in-house, COTS, open source and outsourcing. The objective of this paper is to present an approach to support decision-makers in selecting appropriate types of origins in a specific case that maximizes the benefits of the selected business strategy. The approach consists of three descriptive models, as well as a decision process and a knowledge repository. The three models are a decision model that comprises three cornerstones (stakeholders, origins and criteria) and is based on a taxonomy for formulating decision models in this context, and two supporting models (property models and context models).

50.journal article

An analytics approach to adaptive maturity models using organizational characteristics

Decision Analytics, 2016, vol. 3, issue 1

Baars Thijs  •  Mijnhardt Frederik  •  Vlaanderen Kevin  •  Spruit Marco

Ever since the first incarnations of maturity models, critics have voiced several concerns with these frameworks. Indeed, a lack of model fit and oversimplification of the real world can be attributed to the rigidity of these models, which assumes that each organization that uses the framework is equal. This research investigates this fundamental rigidity from an analytics perspective, analysing in casu a focus area maturity matrix targeted at information security. The results show that organizational characteristics influence the maturity framework both in parts and as a whole significantly, concluding that current maturity frameworks have a poor model fit and advising that a maturity framework should account for the differences between the characteristics of their target organizations.

strategic management

51.journal article


IEEE Software, 2016, vol. 33, issue 3, pp. 94–100

Ebert Christof  •  Gallardo Gorka  •  Hernantes Josune  •  Serrano Nicolas

Building on lean and agile practices, DevOps means end-to-end automation in software development and delivery. Hardly anybody will be able to approach it with a cookbook-style approach, but most developers will benefit from better connecting the previously isolated silos of development and operations. Many DevOps tools exist that can help them do this.

52.conference paper

Determinants of Multi-Channel Behavior: Exploring Avenues for Future Research in the Services Industry

International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2016

Hummel Dennis  •  Schacht Silvia  •  Maedche Alexander

The rise of new technologies has led companies to offer their products and services on multiple channels. This has turned consumers into multi-channel shoppers and rendered their channel choice unpredictable. Yet, a thorough understanding of multi-channel behavior is needed to influence it appropriately. We conducted a systematic literature review on the determinants of multi-channel behavior with a focus on services, and numerically assessed the research frequency of each behavioral influence. Our results show that multi-channel behavior is influenced by the stage of the buying process, the channel characteristics, the consumer attributes and the product category. Moreover, we discovered that services are under-researched compared to the retail sector. Based on these under-researched areas, we derive three research questions that enhance the knowledge on multi-channel behavior in the service industry. Further, we offer an outlook for an upcoming laboratory experiment.

product strategy

53.conference paper

From Requirements Engineering to Self-Adaptive Personalization

IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2017

Fricker Samuel

40 years ago, software engineers came to the insight that the most difficult thing is not how to build a system but to decide what thing to build. Still today, many products seem to fail on the last mile because of a lack of acceptance and trust by the users. In this talk, we explore the history of requirements engineering with anecdotes that reflect the succession of the engineers’ fundamental beliefs of how the social-technological alignment problem may be solved. The feedback loop from users to the engineers will be accompanying us on this journey. The talk ends with an invitation to collaborate on emerging technologies that make feedback immediate and let systems self-adapt.

product planning

54.journal article

The effect of requests for user feedback on Quality of Experience

Software Quality Journal, 2017

Fotrousi Farnaz  •  Fricker Samuel A.  •  Fiedler Markus

Companies are interested in knowing how users experience and perceive their products. Quality of Experience (QoE) is a measurement that is used to assess the degree of delight or annoyance in experiencing a software product. To assess QoE, we have used a feedback tool integrated into a software product to ask users about their QoE ratings and to obtain information about their rationales for good or bad QoEs. It is known that requests for feedback may disturb users; however, little is known about the subjective reasoning behind this disturbance or about whether this disturbance negatively affects the QoE of the software product for which the feedback is sought. In this paper, we present a mixed qualitative-quantitative study with 35 subjects that explore the relationship between feedback requests and QoE. The subjects experienced a requirement-modeling mobile product, which was integrated with a feedback tool. During and at the end of the experience, we collected the users' perceptions of the product and the feedback requests. Based on the users' rational for being disturbed by the feedback requests, such as “early feedback,” “interruptive requests,” “frequent requests,” and “apparently inappropriate content,” we modeled feedback requests. The model defines feedback requests using a set of five-tuple variables: “task,” “timing” of the task for issuing the feedback requests, user's “expertise-phase” with the product, the “frequency” of feedback requests about the task, and the “content” of the feedback request. Configuration of these parameters might drive the participants' perceived disturbances. We also found that the disturbances generated by triggering user feedback requests have negligible impacts on the QoE of software products. These results imply that software product vendors may trust users' feedback even when the feedback requests disturb the users.

product planning

55.journal article

Choosing Component Origins for Software Intensive Systems: In-house, COTS, OSS or Outsourcing? – A Case Survey

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2017, pp. 1–1

Petersen Kai  •  Badampudi Deepika  •  Shah Syed  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Gorschek Tony  •  Papatheocharous Efi  •  Axelsson Jakob  •  Sentilles Severine  •  Crnkovic Ivica  •  Cicchetti Antonio

The choice of which software component to use influences the success of a software system. Only a few empirical studies investigate how the choice of components is conducted in industrial practice. This is important to understand to tailor research solutions to the needs of the industry. Existing studies focus on the choice for off-the-shelf (OTS) components. It is, however, also important to understand the implications of the choice of alternative component sourcing options (CSOs), such as outsourcing versus the use of OTS. Previous research has shown that the choice has major implications on the development process as well as on the ability to evolve the system. The objective of this study is to explore how decision making took place in industry to choose among CSOs. Overall, 22 industrial cases have been studied through a case survey. The results show that the solutions specifically for CSO decisions are deterministic and based on optimization approaches. The non-deterministic solutions proposed for architectural group decision making appear to suit the CSO decision making in industry better. Interestingly, the final decision was perceived negatively in nine cases and positively in seven cases, while in the remaining cases it was perceived as neither positive nor negative.

product strategy

56.conference paper

The Open Source Officer Role - Experiences.

IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS), 2017, pp. 55-59

Mols Carl-Eric  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Linåker Johan

Springer International Publishing

This papers describe the Open Source Officer role and the experiences from introducing this role in several companies. We outline the role description, main responsibilities, and interfaces to other roles and organizations. We investigated the role in several organization and bring interesting discrepancies and overlaps of how companies operate with OSS.

product strategy

57.conference paper

Requirements Quality Assurance in Industry: Why, What and How?

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2017, pp. 77-84

Unterkalmsteiner Michael  •  Gorschek Tony

Springer International Publishing

Context and Motivation: Natural language is the most common form to specify requirements in industry. The quality of the specification depends on the capability of the writer to formulate requirements aimed at different stakeholders: they are an expression of the customer's needs that are used by analysts, designers and testers. Given this central role of requirements as a mean to communicate intention, assuring their quality is essential to reduce misunderstandings that lead to potential waste. Problem: Quality assurance of requirement specifications is largely a manual effort that requires expertise and domain knowledge. However, this demanding cognitive process is also congested by trivial quality issues that should not occur in the first place. Principal ideas: We propose a taxonomy of requirements quality assurance complexity that characterizes cognitive load of verifying a quality aspect from the human perspective, and automation complexity and accuracy from the machine perspective. Contribution: Once this taxonomy is realized and validated, it can serve as the basis for a decision framework of automated requirements quality assurance support.

product planning

58.journal article

Energy efficiency on the product roadmap: An empirical study across releases of a software product

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2017, vol. 29, issue 2

Jagroep Erik  •  Procaccianti Giuseppe  •  van der Werf Jan Martijn  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak  •  Blom Leen  •  van Vliet Rob

In the quest for energy efficient Information and Communication Technology, research has mostly focused on the role of hardware.However, the impact of software on energy consumption has been acknowledged as significant by researchers in software engineering. In spite of that, due to cost and time constraints, many software producing organizations are unable to effectively measure software energy consumption preventing them to include energy efficiency in the product roadmap.In this paper, we apply a software energy profiling method to reliably compare the energy consumed by a commercial software product across 2 consecutive releases. We demonstrate how the method can be applied and provide an in-depth analysis of energy consumption of software components. Additionally, we investigate the added value of these measurement for multiple stakeholders in a software producing organization, by means of semistructured interviews.Our results show how the introduction of an encryption module caused a noticeable increase in the energy consumption of the product. Such results were deemed valuable by the stakeholders and provided insights on how specific software changes might affect energy consumption. In addition, our interviews show that such a quantification of software energy consumption helps to create awareness and eventually consider energy efficiency aspects when planning software releases.

product planning

59.journal article

Toward Software Technology 2050

IEEE Software, 2017, vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 82-88

Ebert Christof  •  Counsell Steve

Software defines the future perhaps more than any other discipline. This special installment of the Software Technology department celebrates 200 issues of IEEE Software and looks ahead. Where are innovative software and IT technologies, products, and services heading? What major future trends can we envisage?

strategic management

60.conference paper

A Two-staged Survey on Release Readiness

International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2017, pp. 374-383

Alam S. M. Didar Al  •  Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Pfahl Dietmar  •  Ruhe Guenther


Deciding about the content and readiness when shipping a new product release can have a strong impact on the success (or failure) of the product. Having formerly analyzed the state-of-the art in this area, the objective for this paper was to better understand the process and rationale of real-world release decisions and to what extent research on release readiness is aligned with industrial needs. We designed two rounds of surveys with focus on the current (Survey-A) and the desired (Survey-B) process of how to make release readiness decisions. We received 49 and 40 valid responses for Survey-A and Survey-B, respectively. In total, we identified 12 main findings related to the process, the rationale and the tool support considered for making release readiness decisions. We found that reasons for failed releases and the factors considered for making release decisions are context specific and vary with release cycle time. Practitioners confirmed that (i) release readiness should be measured and continuously monitored during the whole release cycle, (ii) release readiness decisions are context-specific and should not be based solely on quality considerations, and iii) some of the observed reasons for failed releases such as low functionality, high cost, and immature service are not adequately studied in research where there is dominance on investigating quality and testing only. In terms of requested tool support, dashboards covering multidimensional aspects of the status of release development were articulated as key requirements.

product planning

61.conference paper

App Store Mining Is Not Enough

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2017, pp. 152-154

Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Farrahi Homayoon  •  Ruhe Guenther  •  Cho Henry


App store reviews are currently the main source of information for analyzing different aspects of app development and evolution. However, app users' feedback do not only occur on the app store. In fact, a large quantity of posts about apps are made daily on social media. In this paper, we study how Twitter can provide complementary information to support mobile app development. By analysing a total of 70 apps over a period of six weeks, we show that 22.4% more feature requests and 12.89% more bug reports could be found on Twitter.

product planning

62.conference paper

Charting the market disruptive nature of open source: experiences from Sony mobile.

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2017, pp. 175-176

Mols Carl-Eric  •  Wnuk Krzysztof


Open Source Software (OSS) has substantial impact on how software-intensive firms develop products and deliver value to the customers. These companies need both strategic and operational support on how to adapt OSS as a part of their products and how to adjust processes and organizations to increase the benefits from OSS participation. This work presents the key insights from the journey that Sony Mobile has made from a company developing proprietary software to a respected member of OSS communities. We framed the experiences into an Open Source Maturity Model that includes two scenarios: engineering-driven and business-driven open source. We outline the most important decisions, roles, processes and implications.

product strategy

63.journal article

App store mining is not enough for app improvement

Empirical Software Engineering, 2018, pp. 1-31

Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Cho Henry  •  Ruhe Guenther

The rise in popularity of mobile devices has led to a parallel growth in the size of the app store market, intriguing several research studies and commercial platforms on mining app stores. App store reviews are used to analyze different aspects of app development and evolution. However, app users' feedback does not only exist on the app store. In fact, despite the large quantity of posts that are made daily on social media, the importance and value that these discussions provide remain mostly unused in the context of mobile app development. In this paper, we study how Twitter can provide complementary information to support mobile app development. By analyzing a total of 30,793 apps over a period of six weeks, we found strong correlations between the number of reviews and tweets for most apps. Moreover, through applying machine learning classifiers, topic modeling and subsequent crowd-sourcing, we successfully mined 22.4% additional feature requests and 12.89% additional bug reports from Twitter. We also found that 52.1% of all feature requests and bug reports were discussed on both tweets and reviews. In addition to finding common and unique information from Twitter and the app store, sentiment and content analysis were also performed for 70 randomly selected apps. From this, we found that tweets provided more critical and objective views on apps than reviews from the app store. These results show that app store review mining is indeed not enough; other information sources ultimately provide added value and information for app developers.

product planning

64.journal article

Hybrid Labels Are the New Measure!

IEEE Software, 2018, vol. 35, issue 1, pp. 54-57

Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Kabeer Shaikh Jeeshan  •  Ruhe Guenther  •  Carlson Chris  •  Chew Francis

Developing minimum viable products (MVPs) is critical for start-up companies to hit the market fast with an accepted level of performance. The US Food and Drug Administration mandates additional nonfunctional requirements in healthcare systems, meaning that the MVP should provide the best availability, privacy, and security. This critical demand is motivating companies to further rely on analytics to optimize the development process. In a collaborative project with Brightsquid, the authors provided a decision-support system based on analogical reasoning to assist in effort estimation, scoping, and assignment of change requests. This experience report proposes a new metric, change request labels, for better prediction. Using different methods for textual-similarity analysis, the authors found that the combination of machine-learning techniques with experts' manually added labels has the highest prediction accuracy. Better prediction of change impacts allows a company to optimize its resources and provide proper timing of releases to target MVPs. This article is part of a special issue on Actionable Analytics for Software Engineering.

strategic management

65.conference paper

Toward Tool Mashups: Comparing and Combining NLP RE Tools

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Requirements Engineering, 2016, pp. 26-31

Arendse Brian  •  Lucassen Garm


Over 50 papers present natural language processing tools for improving the quality of requirements. However, few of these are adopted by industry. Even worse, most of them are no longer publicly available or supported by their creators. The few available and actively maintained tools exhibit some outstanding features, but also include sub-optimal functionalities. In this paper, we compare the performance of 3 existing tools on how well they automatically detect ambiguity and atomicity defects and deviations in 4 real-world natural language requirements sets. Next, we show how to design a superior tool by combining the best performing approaches of these three. Finally, we introduce a research roadmap toward automatically generating NLP RE tool mashups through the assembly of modular components taken from existing tools.

product planning

66.journal article

A study of value in agile software development organizations

Journal of Systems and Software, 2017, vol. 125, pp. 271-288

Alahyari Hiva  •  Svensson Richard Berntsson  •  Gorschek Tony

The Agile manifesto focuses on the delivery of valuable software. In Lean, the principles emphasise value, where every activity that does not add value is seen as waste. Despite the strong focus on value, and that the primary critical success factor for software intensive product development lies in the value domain, no empirical study has investigated specifically what value is. This paper presents an empirical study that investigates how value is interpreted and prioritised, and how value is assured and measured. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 23 participants from 14 agile software development organisations. The contribution of this study is fourfold. First, it examines how value is perceived amongst agile software development organisations. Second, it compares the perceptions and priorities of the perceived values by domains and roles. Third, it includes an examination of what practices are used to achieve value in industry, and what hinders the achievement of value. Fourth, it characterises what measurements are used to assure, and evaluate value-creation activities.

67.conference paper

Learn or Earn? - Intelligent Task Recommendation for Competitive Crowdsourced Software Development

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

Karim Muhammad Rezaul  •  Yang Ye  •  Messinger David  •  Ruhe Guenther

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Background: Competitive crowdsourced development encourages online software developers to register for tasks offered on the crowdsourcing platform and implement them in a competitive mode. As a large number of tasks are uploaded daily, the scenery of competition is changing continuously. Without appropriate decision support, online developers often make task decisions in an ad hoc and intuitive manner. Aims: To provide dynamic decision support for crowd developers to select the task that fit best to their personal learning versus earning objectives, taking into account the actual competitiveness situation. Method: We propose a recommendation system called EX2 ("EX-Square") that combines both explorative ("learn") and exploitative ("earn") search for tasks, based on a systematic analysis of workers preference patterns, technologies hotness, and the projection of winning chances. The implemented prototype allows dynamic recommendations that reflect task updates and competition dynamics at any given time. Results: Based on evaluation from 4007 tasks monitored over a period of 2 years, we show that EX2 can explore and adjust task recommendations corresponding to context changes, and individual learning preferences of workers. A survey was also conducted with 14 actual crowd workers, showing that intelligent decision support from EX2 is considered useful and valuable. Conclusions: With support from EX2, workers benefit from the tool from getting customized recommendations, and the platform provider gets a higher chance to better cover the breadth of technology needs in case recommendations are taken.

product strategy

68.journal article

Asymmetric Release Planning-Compromising Satisfaction against Dissatisfaction

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018

Nayeby Maleknaz  •  Ruhe Guenther

Maximizing satisfaction from offering features as part of the upcoming release(s) is different from minimizing dissatisfaction gained from not offering features. This asymmetric behavior has never been utilized for product release planning. We study Asymmetric Release Planning (ARP) by accommodating asymmetric feature evaluation. We formulated and solved ARP as a bi-criteria optimization problem. In its essence, it is the search for optimized trade-offs between maximum stakeholder satisfaction and minimum dissatisfaction. Different techniques including a continuous variant of Kano analysis are available to predict the impact on satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a product release from offering or not offering a feature. As a proof of concept, we validated the proposed solution approach called Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction Optimizer (SDO) via a real-world case study project. From running three replications with varying effort capacities, we demonstrate that SDO generates optimized trade-off solutions being (i) of a different value profile and different structure, (ii) superior to the application of random search and heuristics in terms of quality and completeness, and (iii) superior to the usage of manually generated solutions generated from managers of the case study company. A survey with 20 stakeholders confirmed the applicability and usefulness of the generated results.

product planning

69.journal article

A decision-making process-line for selection of software asset origins and components.

Journal of Systems and Software, 2018, vol. 135, pp. 88-104

Badampudi Deepika  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Wohlin Claes  •  Franke Ulrik  •  Smite Darja  •  Cicchetti Antonio

Selecting sourcing options for software assets and components is an important process that helps companies to gain and keep their competitive advantage. The sourcing options include: in-house, COTS, open source and outsourcing. The objective of this paper is to further refine, extend and validate a solution presented in our previous work. The refinement includes a set of decision-making activities, which are described in the form of a process-line that can be used by decision-makers to build their specific decision-making process. We conducted five case studies in three companies to validate the coverage of the set of decision-making activities. The solution in our previous work was validated in two cases in the first two companies. In the validation, it was observed that no activity in the proposed set was perceived to be missing, although not all activities were conducted and the activities that were conducted were not executed in a specific order. Therefore, the refinement of the solution into a process-line approach increases the flexibility and hence it is better in capturing the differences in the decision-making processes observed in the case studies. The applicability of the process-line was then validated in three case studies in a third company.

product strategy

70.journal article

Choosing Component Origins for Software Intensive Systems: In-House, COTS, OSS or Outsourcing? - A Case Survey.

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018, vol. 44, issue 3, pp. 237-261

Petersen Kai  •  Badampudi Deepika  •  Shah Syed Muhammad Ali  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Gorschek Tony  •  Papatheocharous Efi  •  Axelsson Jakob  •  Sentilles Séverine  •  Crnkovic Ivica  •  Cicchetti Antonio

The choice of which software component to use influences the success of a software system. Only a few empirical studies investigate how the choice of components is conducted in industrial practice. This is important to understand to tailor research solutions to the needs of the industry. Existing studies focus on the choice for off-the-shelf (OTS) components. It is, however, also important to understand the implications of the choice of alternative component sourcing options (CSOs), such as outsourcing versus the use of OTS. Previous research has shown that the choice has major implications on the development process as well as on the ability to evolve the system. The objective of this study is to explore how decision making took place in industry to choose among CSOs. Overall, 22 industrial cases have been studied through a case survey. The results show that the solutions specifically for CSO decisions are deterministic and based on optimization approaches. The non-deterministic solutions proposed for architectural group decision making appear to suit the CSO decision making in industry better. Interestingly, the final decision was perceived negatively in nine cases and positively in seven cases, while in the remaining cases it was perceived as neither positive nor negative.

product strategy

71.journal article


IEEE Software, 2018, vol. 35, issue 3, pp. 96-100

Larrucea Xabier  •  Santamaria Izaskun  •  Palacios Ricardo Colomo  •  Ebert Christof

Microservices are small applications with a single responsibility that can be deployed, scaled, and tested independently. They're gaining momentum across industries to facilitate agile delivery mechanisms for service-oriented architecture and to migrate function-oriented legacy architectures toward highly flexible service orientation. This article presents a brief overview of microservice technologies and how to migrate to them.

product strategy

72.journal article

The Evolution of Continuous Experimentation in Software Product Development: From Data to a Data-Driven Organization at Scale

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2017, pp. 770–780

Fabijan Aleksander  •  Dmitriev Pavel  •  Olsson Helena Holmstrom  •  Bosch Jan

Software development companies are increasingly aiming to become data-driven by trying to continuously experiment with the products used by their customers. Although familiar with the competitive edge that the A/B testing technology delivers, they seldom succeed in evolving and adopting the methodology. In this paper, and based on an exhaustive and collaborative case study research in a large software-intense company with highly developed experimentation culture, we present the evolution process of moving from ad-hoc customer data analysis towards continuous controlled experimentation at scale. Our main contribution is the 'Experimentation Evolution Model' in which we detail three phases of evolution: Technical, organizational and business evolution. With our contribution, we aim to provide guidance to practitioners on how to develop and scale continuous experimentation in software organizations with the purpose of becoming data-driven at scale.

product planning product strategy

73.conference paper

Multi-homing in ecosystems and firm performance: Does it improve software companies' ROA?

International Workshop of Software Ecosystems, 2016

Hyrynsalmi S.  •  Suominen A.  •  Jansen S.  •  Yrjönkoski K.

Joining or leaving a platform ecosystem is a crucial strategic decision for a software producing organization. Multi-homing is strategy where a company participate more than one platform ecosystem. A decision to multi-home entails considerable impact for companies, as entering into a new ecosystem always requires investments in, e.g., developing, maintaining and marketing a platform specific extension. While a costly decision, it also opens new markets in domains where customers seldom multi-home, i.e., it is a reliable way to address new markets. Multi-homing strategies are infrequently addressed topic in the literature and their impacts on the performance of the companies are rarely analyzed. In this paper, we study how the decision to multi-home a ects to the performance of Finnish game companies. Our results question previous assumptions that multi-homing has a positive impact on firm performance, as our study finds is unable to find support for the di erences in performance for single- or multi-homing companies. This might be due to a development in which it is a norm in the market is to publish simultaneously for all ecosystem in order to consolidate their position in the market.

strategic management product strategy

74.journal article

PDISC – Towards a Method for Software Product DISCovery

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2016, vol. 114, pp. 47-62

Werder Karl  •  Zobel Benedikt  •  Maedche Alexander

product strategy

75.conference paper

Pinpointing ambiguity and incompleteness in requirements engineering via information visualization and NLP

International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2018, vol. 10753, pp. 119-135

Dalpiaz Fabiano  •  van der Schalk Ivor  •  Lucassen Garm


[Context and motivation] Identifying requirements defects such as ambiguity and incompleteness is an important and challenging task in requirements engineering (RE). [Question/Problem] We investigate whether combining humans' cognitive and analytical capabilities with automated reasoning is a viable method to support the identification of requirements quality defects. [Principal ideas/results] We propose a tool-supported approach for pinpointing terminological ambiguities between viewpoints as well as missing requirements. To do so, we blend natural language processing (conceptual model extraction and semantic similarity) with information visualization techniques that help interpret the type of defect. [Contribution] Our approach is a step forward toward the identification of ambiguity and incompleteness in a set of requirements, still an open issue in RE. A quasi-experiment with students, aimed to assess whether our tool delivers higher accuracy than manual inspection, suggests a significantly higher recall but does not reveal significant differences in precision.

product planning

76.journal article

Enable more frequent integration of software in industry projects

Journal of Systems and Software, 2018, vol. 142, issue April, pp. 223-236

Mårtensson Torvald  •  Ståhl Daniel  •  Bosch Jan

Based on interviews with 20 developers from two case study companies that develop large-scale software-intensive embedded systems, this paper presents twelve factors that affect how often developers commit software to the mainline. The twelve factors are grouped into four themes: “Activity planning and execution”, “System thinking”, “Speed” and “Confidence through test activities”. Based on the interview results and a literature study we present the EMFIS model, which allows companies to explicate a representation of the organization's current situation regarding continuous integration impediments, and visualizes what the organization must focus on in order to enable more frequent integration of software. The model is used to perform an assessment of the twelve factors, where the ratings from participants representing the developers are summarized separately from ratings from participants representing the enablers (responsible for processes, development tools, test environments etc.). The EMFIS model has been validated in workshops and interviews, which in total included 46 individuals in five case study companies. The model was well received during the validation, and was appreciated for its simplicity and its ability to show differences in rating between developers and enablers.

strategic management

77.conference paper

A Property Model Ontology

Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2016, pp. 165-172

Sentilles Severine  •  Papatheocharous Efi  •  Ciccozzi Federico  •  Petersen Kai


Efficient development of high quality software is tightly coupled to the ability of quickly taking complex decisions based on trustworthy facts. In component-based software engineering, the decisions related to selecting the most suitable component among functionally-equivalent ones are of paramount importance. Despite sharing the same functionality, components differ in terms of their extra-functional properties. Therefore, to make informed selections, it is crucial to evaluate extra-functional properties in a systematic way. To date, many properties and evaluation methods that are not necessarily compatible with each other exist. The property model ontology presented in this paper represents the first step towards providing a systematic way to describe extra-functional properties and their evaluation methods, and thus making them comparable. This is beneficial from two perspectives. First, it aids researchers in identifying comparable property models as a guide for empirical evaluations. Second, practitioners are supported in choosing among alternative evaluation methods for the properties of their interest. The use of the ontology is illustrated by instantiating a subset of property models relevant in the automotive domain.

78.journal article

Ecosystem traps and where to find them

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2018, issue May, pp. 1–16

Bosch Jan  •  Olsson Helena Holmström

Today, companies operate in business ecosystems where they collaborate, compete, share, and learn from others with benefits such as to present more attractive offerings and sharing innovation costs. With ecosystems being the new way of operating, the ability to strategically reposition oneself to increase or shift power balance is becoming key for competitive advantage. However, companies run into a number of traps when trying to realize strategical changes in their ecosystems. In this paper, we identify 5 traps that companies fall into. First, the "descriptive versus prescriptive trap" is when companies assume that current boundaries between partners are immu-table. Second, the "assumptions trap" is when powerful ecosystem partners assume that they understand what others regard as value-adding without validating their assumptions. Third, the "keeping it too simple trap" is when companies overlooks the effort required to align interests. Fourth, the "doing it all at once trap" is when companies disrupt an ecosystem assuming that all partners can change direction at the same time. Finally, the "planning trap" is when companies are unable to move forward without a complete plan. We provide empirical evidence for each trap, and we propose an ecosystem engagement process for how to avoid falling into these.

product strategy

79.journal article

Does software modernization deliver what it aimed for? A post modernization analysis of five software modernization case studies

International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2015, pp. 477-486

Khadka Ravi  •  Shrestha Prajan  •  Klein Bart  •  Saeidi Amir  •  Hage Jurriaan  •  Jansen Slinger  •  Van Dis Edwin  •  Bruntink Magiel

Software modernization has been extensively re-searched, primarily focusing on observing the associated phenom-ena, and providing technical solutions to facilitate the moderniza-tion process. Software modernization is claimed to be successful when the modernization is completed using those technical solutions. Very limited research, if any, is reported with an aim at documenting the post-modernization impacts, i.e., whether any of the pre-modernization business goals are in fact achieved after modernization. In this research, we attempt to address this relative absence of empirical study through five retrospective software modernization case studies. We use an explanatory case study approach to document the pre-modernization business goals, and to decide whether those goals have been achieved. The intended benefits for each of the five cases we considered were all (partially) met, and in most cases fully. Moreover, many cases exhibited a number of unintended benefits, and some reported detrimental effects of modernization.

strategic management

80.conference paper

The lack of sharing of customer data in large software organizations: Challenges and implications

International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2016, vol. 251, pp. 39-52

Fabijan Aleksander  •  Olsson Helena Holmström  •  Bosch Jan


With continuous deployment of software functionality, a constant flow of new features to products is enabled. Although new functionality has potential to deliver improvements and possibilities that were previously not available, it does not necessary generate business value. On the contrary, with fast and increasing system complexity that is associated with high operational costs, more waste than value risks to be created. Validating how much value a feature actually delivers, project how this value will change over time, and know when to remove the feature from the product are the challenges large software companies increasingly experience today. We propose and study the concept of a software feature lifecycle from a value point of view, i.e. how companies track feature value throughout the feature lifecycle. The contribution of this paper is a model that illustrates how to determine (1) when to add the feature to a product, (2) how to track and (3) project the value of the feature during the lifecycle, and how to (4) identify when a feature is obsolete and should be removed from the product.

product planning

81.journal article

From ad hoc to strategic ecosystem management: the “Three-Layer Ecosystem Strategy Model” (TeLESM)

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2017, vol. 29, issue 7, pp. 1-24

Holmström Olsson Helena  •  Bosch Jan

Recently, business ecosystems have been recognized as one of the most interesting phenomenon in software engineering research. Companies experience a paradigm shift where product development and innovation is moving outside the boundaries of the firm and where networks of stakeholders join forces to co-create value. While there is prominent research focusing on the managerial perspective of business ecosystems, few studies provide strategic guidance for how to intentionally manage the different ecosystems that companies operate in. Therefore, and on the basis of multicase study research, we provide empirical evidence on the challenges that software-intensive companies experience in relation to the different types of business ecosystems they operate in. We conduct a “state-of-the-art” literature review to identify strategies that are used to manage ecosystem engagements, and we develop a conceptual model in which we identify strategies for managing the innovation ecosystem, the differentiating ecosystem, and the commoditizing ecosystem. By categorising the different strategies in relation to the different types of ecosystems for which they are valid, the “three-layer ecosystem strategy model” provides comprehensive support for strategy selection. We validate the use of the identified strategies in 6 software-intensive case companies, and we provide empirical insights on the “relevance” and the “desired use” of these strategies as experienced by the case companies.

product strategy

82.journal article

Industry Trends 2017

IEEE Software, 2017, vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 112-116

Ebert Christof  •  Shankar Kris

To work more efficiently and effectively, test engineers must be aware of various automated-testing strategies and tools that assist test activities other than test execution. However, automation doesn't come for free, so it must be carefully implemented.

strategic management

83.conference paper

Managing Software Products in a Global Context

International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2018, pp. 69-76

Ebert Christof

Follow-the-sun has evolved to follow-the-talent. Managing a product thus has a true global perspective. Products increasingly are developed in virtual teams using agile set-up and gig economy practices. The success of a product or service depends on its product management. Recently software product management has moved closer to software development in its understanding that market decisions have technical impact, and vice versa. This research provides results from an empirical field study with twenty companies on software product management in its global context. The empirical study provides concrete practices to fertilize and evolve software product management in global teams and thus the success of products in terms of predictability, quality and efficiency. We show that with institutionalization of a consistent and empowered product management role, global product development benefits in terms of schedule, quality and duration.

strategic management

84.journal article

Services, Industry Evolution, and the Competitive Strategies of Product Firms

Strategic Management Journal, 2015, vol. 36, pp. 559–575

Cusumano Michael A.  •  Kahl Steven J.  •  Suarez Fernando F.

Services of different types have become increasingly important for product firms. While these firms mainly focus on products, managers and researchers lack a comprehensive framework to understand when to make significant investments in particular kinds ofservices. We identify three categories of product-related services from a product firm—smoothing and adapting services, which complement products, and substitution services, which enable customers to pay for the use of a product without buying the product itself. We develop propositions about the relative level of these different kinds ofservices vis-a-vis industry evolution, as well as suggest how these services affect industry structure. We draw upon various literatures, though we conclude that the relationship between products and services is more complex and richer than any one literature suggests.

strategic management

85.journal article

The GRADE taxonomy for supporting decision-making of asset selection in software-intensive system development

Information and Software Technology, 2018, vol. 100, issue February, pp. 1-17

Papatheocharous Efi  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Petersen Kai  •  Sentilles Séverine  •  Cicchetti Antonio  •  Gorschek Tony  •  Shah Syed Muhammad Ali

Context: The development of software-intensive systems includes many decisions involving various stakeholders with often conflicting interests and viewpoints. Objective: Decisions are rarely systematically documented and sporadically explored. This limits the opportunity for learning and improving on important decisions made in the development of software-intensive systems. Method: In this work, we enable support for the systematic documentation of decisions, improve their traceability and contribute to potentially improved decision-making in strategic, tactical and operational contexts. Results: We constructed a taxonomy for documentation supporting decision-making, called GRADE. GRADE was developed in a research project that required composition of a common dedicated language to make feasible the identification of new opportunities for better decision support and evaluation of multiple decision alternatives. The use of the taxonomy has been validated through thirty three decision cases from industry. Conclusion: This paper occupies this important yet greatly unexplored research gap by developing the GRADE taxonomy that serves as a common vocabulary to describe and classify decision-making with respect to architectural assets.

product strategy

86.journal article

Requirements engineering and continuous deployment

IEEE Software, 2018, vol. 35, issue 2, pp. 86–90

Niu Nan  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak  •  Franch Xavier  •  Partanen Jari  •  Savolainen Juha

This article summarizes the RE in the Age of Continuous Deployment panel at the 25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. It highlights two synergistic points (user stories and linguistic tooling) and one challenge (nonfunctional requirements) in fast-paced, agile-like projects, and recommends how to carry on the dialogue.

product planning

87.conference paper

Challenges and strategies for undertaking continuous experimentation to embedded systems: Industry and research perspectives

International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2018, vol. 314, pp. 277-292

Mattos David Issa  •  Bosch Jan  •  Olsson Helena Holmström


product planning

88.journal article

An investigation of effort distribution among development phases: A four-stage progressive software cost estimation model

Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2017, vol. 29, issue 10, pp. 1–21

Papatheocharous Efi  •  Bibi Stamatia  •  Stamelos Ioannis  •  Andreou Andreas S.

Software cost estimation is a key process in project management. Estimations in the initial project phases are made with a lot of uncertainty that influences estimation accuracy which typically increases as the project progresses in time. Project data collected during the various project phases can be used in a progressive time-dependent fashion to train software cost estimation models. Our motivation is to reduce uncertainty and increase confidence based on the understanding of patterns of effort distributions in development phases of real-world projects. In this work, we study effort distributions and suggest a four-stage progressive software cost estimation model, adjusting the initial effort estimates during the development life-cycle based on newly available data. Initial estimates are reviewed on the basis of the experience gained as development progresses and as new information becomes available. The proposed model provides an early, a post-planning, a post-specifications, and a post-design estimate, while it uses industrial data from the ISBSG (R10) dataset. The results reveal emerging patterns of effort distributions and indicate that the model provides effective estimations and exhibits high explanatory value. Contributions in lessons learned and practical implications are also provided.

89.conference paper

Eliciting Activity Requirements from Crowd Using Genetic Algorithm

Asia Pacific Requirements Engeneering Conference, 2017, vol. 809, pp. 99-113

Wang Chunhui  •  Zhang Wei  •  Zhao Haiyan  •  Jin Zhi


Web-based software systems face a wide range of users and situates in different context. Developing such systems needs to deal with the diversity and variability of requirements. Crowd-based requirements engineering performs requirements engineering activities, such as elicitation requirements from the crowd of stakeholders. That leads to the collected requirements being more diverse and wider coverage. However, the requirements elicited from crowd are not directly available and need to be merged into system requirements. It is a tedious and error-prone work without the help of automatic method. System requirements can be expressed in a variety of ways, of which activity diagram is widely used. This paper provides a method based on genetic algorithm. This approach targets to solve two key issues about the individual requirements representation and the requirements synthesis, one is using a triangular matrix encoding scheme to ensure completeness and uniqueness of genetic representation of solution, the other is proposing a generalized information entropy as fitness function to measure candidate solutions. A simple but meaningful example has been used to demonstrate the feasible of this approach. Moreover, during the synthesis of activity diagrams, the information source’s IDs are kept. This can be used for building the traceability links between the system requirements and their source. That will be helpful to requirements management and evolution.

product planning

90.conference paper

Artifact Compatibility for Enabling Collaboration in the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2018

Maksimov Yuliyan  •  Fricker Samuel  •  Tutschku Kurt

Different types of software components and data have to be combined to solve an artificial intelligence challenge. An emerging marketplace for these components will allow for their exchange and distribution. To facilitate and boost the collaboration on the marketplace a solution for finding compatible artifacts is needed. We propose a concept to define compatibility on such a marketplace and suggest appropriate scenarios on how users can interact with it to support the different types of required compatibility. We also propose an initial architecture that derives from and implements the compatibility principles and makes the scenarios feasible. We matured our concept in focus group workshops and interviews with potential marketplace users from industry and academia. The results demonstrate the applicability of the concept in a real-world scenario.

product strategy

91.journal article

An Empirical Study of Meta- and Hyper-Heuristic Search for Multi-Objective Release Planning.

ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2018, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 3:1-3:32

Zhang Yuanyuan  •  Harman Mark  •  Ochoa Gabriela  •  Ruhe Guenther  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

A variety of meta-heuristic search algorithms have been introduced for optimising software release planning. However, there has been no comprehensive empirical study of different search algorithms across multiple different real-world datasets. In this article, we present an empirical study of global, local, and hybrid meta- and hyper-heuristic search-based algorithms on 10 real-world datasets. We find that the hyper-heuristics are particularly effective. For example, the hyper-heuristic genetic algorithm significantly outperformed the other six approaches (and with high effect size) for solution quality 85% of the time, and was also faster than all others 70% of the time. Furthermore, correlation analysis reveals that it scales well as the number of requirements increases.

product planning

92.conference paper

Jobs-to-be-Done Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Method for Defining Job Stories.

International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2018, vol. 10753, pp. 227-243

Lucassen Garm  •  van de Keuken Maxim  •  Dalpiaz Fabiano  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak  •  Sloof Gijs Willem  •  Schlingmann Johan


Context and motivation: Goal orientation is an unrealized promise in the practice of requirements engineering (RE). Conversely, lightweight approaches such as user stories have gained substantial adoption. As critics highlight the limitations of user stories, Job Stories are emerging as an alternative that embeds goal-oriented principles by emphasizing situation, motivation and expected outcome. This new approach has not been studied in research yet. Question/Problem: Scientific foundations are lacking for the job story artifact and there are no actionable methods for effectively applying job stories. Thus, practitioners may end up creating their own flavor of job stories that may fail to deliver the promised value of the Jobs-to-be-Done theory. Principal ideas/results: We integrate multiple approaches based on job stories to create a conceptual model of job stories and to construct a generic method for Jobs-to-be-Done Oriented RE. Applying our job story method to an industry case study, we highlight benefits and limitations. Contribution: Our method aims to bring job stories from craft to discipline, and to provide systematic means for applying Jobs-to-be-Done orientation in practice and for assessing its effectiveness.

93.conference paper

Development of a Data-Driven Business Model Transformation Tool.

International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2018), 2018, vol. 10844, pp. 205-217

Augenstein Dominik  •  Fleig Christian  •  Maedche Alexander


Rapidly changing environments and customer demands force companies to transform their business models in ever shorter periods of time. However, existing approaches like the business model canvas and corresponding tools mainly focus on documentation on a strategic level and do not actively support the business model transformation process from a current state towards a target state. To address this problem, we derive requirements for a business model transformation tool. We translate these requirements into design principles and present a toolset for data-driven business model transformation. This toolset enables companies to extract status quo business models from existing operational information systems. Furthermore, it allows the representation of explicit relationships between the different value dimensions of a business model and enables quantifying the impact of changes. The result of this paper is a set of requirements, design principles as well as a tool instantiation, which can actively support the business model transformation process.

product strategy

94.journal article

Technical Debt tracking: Current state of practice: A survey and multiple case study in 15 large organizations

Science of Computer Programming, 2018, vol. 163, pp. 42-61

Martini Antonio  •  Besker Terese  •  Bosch Jan

Large software companies need to support continuous and fast delivery of customer value both in the short and long term. However, this can be hindered if both the evolution and maintenance of existing systems are hampered by Technical Debt. Although a lot of theoretical work on Technical Debt has been produced recently, its practical management lacks empirical studies. In this paper, we investigate the state of practice in several companies to understand what the cost of managing TD is, what tools are used to track TD, and how a tracking process is introduced in practice. We combined two phases: a survey involving 226 respondents from 15 organizations and an in-depth multiple case study in three organizations including 13 interviews and 79 Technical Debt issues. We selected the organizations where Technical Debt was better tracked in order to distill best practices. We found that the development time dedicated to managing Technical Debt is substantial (an average of 25% of the overall development), but mostly not systematic: only a few participants (26%) use a tool, and only 7.2% methodically track Technical Debt. We found that the most used and effective tools are currently backlogs and static analyzers. By studying the approaches in the companies participating in the case study, we report how companies start tracking Technical Debt and what the initial benefits and challenges are. Finally, we propose a Strategic Adoption Model for the introduction of tracking Technical Debt in software organizations.

95.conference paper

Companies' domination in FLOSS development: an empirical study of OpenStack.

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2018, pp. 440-441

Zhang Yuxia  •  Tan Xin  •  Zhou Minghui  •  Jin Zhi


Because of the increasing acceptance and possibly expanding market of free/libre open source software (FLOSS), the spectrum and scale of companies that participate in FLOSS development have substantially expanded in recent years. Companies get involved in FLOSS projects to acquire user innovations [3, 12], to reduce costs [8, 11], to make money on complementary services [13], etc. Such intense involvement may change the nature of FLOSS development and pose critical challenges for the sustainability of the projects. For example, it has been found that a company's full control and intense involvement is associated with a decrease of volunteer inflow [13]. Sometimes a project may fail after one company pulls resources from the project [13]. This raises concerns about the domination of one company in a project. In large projects like OpenStack, there are often hundreds of companies involved in contributing code. Despite substantial researches on commercial participation, whether or not one company dominates a project and the impact of such domination has never been explicitly explored. We investigate four main projects of OpenStack, a large ecosystem that has had a tremendous impact on computing and society, to answer the following research questions: Does one company dominate the project's development (RQ1)? If the answer to RQ1 is yes, does the domination affect the community (RQ2)?

strategic management product strategy

96.conference paper

Towards a new digital business operating system: Speed, data, ecosystems, and empowerment (keynote).

IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2018, pp. 2-2

Bosch J.

We are living in the most exciting time in the history of mankind. The last century has seen unprecedented improvements in the quality of the human condition and technology is at the heart of this progress. Now we are experiencing an even bigger leap as we move towards a new level of digitalization and automation. Ranging from self-driving cars to factories without workers to societal infrastructure, every sensor and actuator is becoming connected and new applications that enable new opportunities are appearing daily. The fuel of this emerging connected, software-driven reality is software and the key challenge is to continuously deliver value to customers. The future of software engineering in this context is centered around a new, emerging digital business operating system consisting of four dimensions: Speed, Data, Ecosystems and Empowerment. The focus on speed is concerned with the constantly increasing rate of deploying new software in the field. This continuous integration and deployment is no longer only the purview of internet companies but is also increasingly deployed in embedded systems. Second, data is concerned with the vast amounts of information collected from systems deployed in the field and the behavior of the users of these systems. Software businesses need to significantly improve their ability to exploit the value present in that data. Third, ecosystems are concerned with the transition in many companies from doing everything in-house to strategic use of innovation partners and commodity providing partners. Finally, we need new ways of organizing work in this new, digital age. The keynote discusses these four main developments but focuses on the continuous software engineering. Also, the keynote provides numerous examples from the Nordic and international industry and predicts the next steps that industry and academia need to engage in to remain competitive.

product strategy

97.journal article

Strategies for managing power relationships in software ecosystems

Journal of Systems and Software, 2018, vol. 144, pp. 478–500

Valença George  •  Alves Carina  •  Jansen Slinger

Building a software ecosystem provides companies with business benefits as well as share risks and costs with a network of partners. The ability to establish successful partnerships with other companies can influence the success or failure of the ecosystem. Companies use power to build alliances and strengthen their position in the ecosystem. However, the inappropriate use of power may create tensions that threaten partnerships. To explore the dynamics of power and dependence in software ecosystems, we conducted three case studies of ecosystems formed by small-to-medium enterprises. As a result, we present a set of hypotheses that explain the effects of power on software ecosystems. As theoretical contribution, we present a meta-model that integrates concepts from software ecosystems literature with constructs from classical power theories. Our practical contribution is a set of strategies that companies can employ to manage power relationships with partners, so that their ecosystems can evolve in a healthy and prosperous manner. By obtaining an understanding of the occurrence of power and dependence, companies can recognise how to exercise power and deal with the power from partners in order to leverage their relationships.

product strategy

98.journal article

A decision support system for software technology selection.

Journal of Decision Systems, 2018, vol. 27, issue Supp, pp. 98-110

Farshidi Siamak  •  Jansen Slinger  •  de Jong Rolf  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

Software producing organisations face the challenge of including new technology in their products, such as cloud technologies and database management systems. As software architects and senior developers are not experts in this domain, they need to consult external experts or acquire the knowledge themselves. Software production, therefore, is a suitable domain to deploy decision support systems, that intelligently support these decision-makers in selecting the desirable technology for their product. We present a decision support system that supports decision-makers in choosing the most suitable database technology. The case studies and experts confirm that the approach increases insight into the selection process, provides a richer prioritised option list than if they had done their research independently, besides reduces the time and cost of the decision-making process.

product strategy

99.conference paper

Anatomy of functionality deletion: an exploratory study on mobile apps.

International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2018, pp. 243-253

Nayebi Maleknaz  •  Kuznetsov Konstantin  •  Chen Paul  •  Zeller Andreas  •  Ruhe Guenther


One of Lehman’s laws of sofware evolution is that the functionality of programs has to increase over time to maintain user satisfaction. In the domain of mobile apps, though, too much functionality can easily impact usability, resource consumption, and maintenance effort. Hence, does the law of continuous growth apply there? This paper shows that in mobile apps, deletion of functionality is actually common, challenging Lehman’s law. We analyzed user driven requests for deletions which were found in 213,866 commits from 1,519 open source Android mobile apps from a total of 14,238 releases. We applied hybrid (open and closed) card sorting and created taxonomies for nature and causes of deletions. We found that functionality deletions are mostly motivated by unneeded functionality, poor user experience, and compatibility issues. We also performed a survey with 106 mobile app developers. We found that 78.3% of developers consider deletion of functionality to be equally or more important than the addition of new functionality. Developers confirmed that they plan for deletions. This implies the need to re-think the process of planning for the next release, overcoming the simplistic assumptions to exclusively look at adding functionality to maximize the value of upcoming releases. Our work is the first to study the phenomenon of functionality deletion and opens the door to a wider perspective on software evolution.

100.conference paper

Healthy until otherwise proven: some proposals for renewing research of software ecosystem health.

IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Health (SoHeal), 2018, pp. 18-24

Hyrynsalmi Sami  •  Ruohonen Jukka  •  Seppänen Marko


The software ecosystem has become a central conceptualisation for characterising the contemporary software business world. To understand and evaluate ecosystems, the concept of 'ecosystem health' was borrowed from the field of biology. In a 'healthy' ecosystem, the participants will flourish and, vice versa, suffer in an unhealthy one. Yet, there is a lack of empirical validations for the current approach as well as certain limitations regarding the concept. This paper will present a critique on current ecosystem health measurement and evaluation approaches. In addition, there is discussion on three proposals that could help to refocus the academic research on software ecosystem health.

product strategy

101.conference paper

Combining Monitoring and Autonomous Feedback Requests to Elicit Actionable Knowledge of System Use.

International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2019, vol. 11412, pp. 209-225

Wüest Dustin  •  Fotrousi Farnaz  •  Fricker Samuel


[Context and motivation] To validate developers’ ideas of what users might want and to understand user needs, it has been proposed to collect and combine system monitoring with user feedback. [Question/problem] So far, the monitoring data and feedback have been collected passively, hoping for the users to get active when problems emerge. This approach leaves unexplored opportunities for system improvement when users are also passive or do not know that they are invited to offer feedback. [Principal ideas/results] In this paper, we show how we have used goal monitors to identify interesting situations of system use and let a system autonomously elicit user feedback in these situations. We have used a monitor to detect interesting situations in the use of a system and issued automated requests for user feedback to interpret the monitoring observations from the users’ perspectives. [Contribution] The paper describes the implementation of our approach in a Smart City system and reports our results and experiences. It shows that combining system monitoring with proactive, autonomous feedback collection was useful and surfaced knowledge of system use that was relevant for system maintenance and evolution. The results were helpful for the city to adapt and improve the Smart City application and to maintain their internet-of-things deployment of sensors.

product planning

102.journal article

An empirical study on decision making for quality requirements

Journal of Systems and Software, 2019, vol. 149, pp. 217–233

Olsson Thomas  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Gorschek Tony

Context Quality requirements are important for product success yet often handled poorly. The problems with scope decision lead to delayed handling and an unbalanced scope. Objective This study characterizes the scope decision process to understand influencing factors and properties affecting the scope decision of quality requirements. Method We studied one company's scope decision process over a period of five years. We analyzed the decisions artifacts and interviewed experienced engineers involved in the scope decision process. Results Features addressing quality aspects explicitly are a minor part (4.41%) of all features handled. The phase of the product line seems to influence the prevalence and acceptance rate of quality features. Lastly, relying on external stakeholders and upfront analysis seems to lead to long lead-times and an insufficient quality requirements scope. Conclusions There is a need to make quality mode explicit in the scope decision process. We propose a scope decision process at a strategic level and a tactical level. The former to address long-term planning and the latter to cater for a speedy process. Furthermore, we believe it is key to balance the stakeholder input with feedback from usage and market in a more direct way than through a long plan-driven process.

product planning

103.journal article

Selecting component sourcing options: A survey of software engineering's broader make-or-buy decisions

Information and Software Technology, 2019, vol. 112, pp. 18–34

Borg Markus  •  Chatzipetrou Panagiota  •  Wnuk Krzysztof  •  Alégroth Emil  •  Gorschek Tony  •  Papatheocharous Efi  •  Shah Syed Muhammad Ali  •  Axelsson Jakob

Context: Component-based software engineering (CBSE) is a common approach to develop and evolve contemporary software systems. When evolving a system based on components, make-or-buy decisions are frequent, i.e., whether to develop components internally or to acquire them from external sources. In CBSE, several different sourcing options are available: (1) developing software in-house, (2) outsourcing development, (3) buying commercial-off-the-shelf software, and (4) integrating open source software components. Objective: Unfortunately, there is little available research on how organizations select component sourcing options (CSO) in industry practice. In this work, we seek to contribute empirical evidence to CSO selection. Method: We conduct a cross-domain survey on CSO selection in industry, implemented as an online questionnaire. Results: Based on 188 responses, we find that most organizations consider multiple CSOs during software evolution, and that the CSO decisions in industry are dominated by expert judgment. When choosing between candidate components, functional suitability acts as an initial filter, then reliability is the most important quality. Conclusion: We stress that future solution-oriented work on decision support has to account for the dominance of expert judgment in industry. Moreover, we identify considerable variation in CSO decision processes in industry. Finally, we encourage software development organizations to reflect on their decision processes when choosing whether to make or buy components, and we recommend using our survey for a first benchmarking.

product strategy

104.conference paper

A Decision Support System for Cloud Service Provider Selection Problem in Software Producing Organizations

IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), 2018, vol. 01, pp. 139-148

Farshidi S.  •  Jansen S.  •  de Jong R.  •  Brinkkemper S.

Cloud computing enables software producing organizations to replace in-house IT infrastructure and provides them with scalable computing and flexible low cost. As cloud vendors and services on offer increase rapidly, cloud service provider selection is becoming a significant challenge for businesses. Cloud service providers and their offered services are characterized using multiple criteria, such as their popularity, geographic location, and deployment model, so it is essential to have a reliable method to select desirable cloud vendors based on decision-makers' requirements. In this study, we present a decision support system that supports decision-makers in choosing the most suitable Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud providers. The case studies and experts confirm that the approach increases insight into the selection process, provides a richer prioritized option list than if they had done their research independently, and reduces the time and cost of the decision-making process.

product strategy

105.journal article

The implications of digitalization on business model change

Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2019

Wilson Magnus  •  Wnuk Krzysztof

Many software-intensive product development companies are still struggling with the alignment of business and technology changes to find an optimal balance between products and services while remaining agile, effective, and efficient. Business model alignment is highlighted as a new business model research area for understanding the relationships between the dynamic nature of business models, organization design, and the value creation in the business model activities. In this paper, we synthesize the impact of digitalization on business model change for the software-intensive product development industry. Based on established theories, we link effectiveness and efficiency, to value creation in business model activities and organizational learning, in a step towards conceptualizing business model change as a significant part of developing software architectural support for a business model change in a learning organization. Our unit of analysis is the value created in a transaction between two actors in a business model activity, and how that value is supporting transforming a capability into an efficient ability. Based on our results and to facilitate the cross-disciplinary analysis of business model dynamics, we present seven propositions and a conceptual model linking effectiveness, efficiency, value, transaction, and organizational learning to business model change via the value membrane.

product strategy

106.journal article

How effective is nudging? A quantitative review on the effect sizes and limits of empirical nudging studies

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2019, vol. 80, pp. 47–58

Hummel Dennis  •  Maedche Alexander

Changes in the choice architecture, so-called nudges, have been employed in a variety of contexts to alter people's behavior. Although nudging has gained a widespread popularity, the effect sizes of its influences vary considerably across studies. In addition, nudges have proven to be ineffective or even backfire in selected studies which raises the question whether, and under which conditions, nudges are effective. Therefore, we conduct a quantitative review on nudging with 100 primary publications including 317 effect sizes from different research areas. We derive four key results. (1) A morphological box on nudging based on eight dimensions, (2) an assessment of the effectiveness of different nudging interventions, (3) a categorization of the relative importance of the application context and the nudge category, and (4) a comparison of nudging and digital nudging. Thereby, we shed light on the (in)effectiveness of nudging and we show how the findings of the past can be used for future research. Practitioners, especially government officials, can use the results to review and adjust their policy making.

107.conference paper

Open Tools for Software Engineering: Validation of a Theory of Openness in the Automotive Industry.

Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering, 2019, pp. 2-11

Munir Hussan  •  Runeson Per  •  Wnuk Krzysztof


Context: Open tools (e.g., Jenkins, Gerrit and Git) offer a lucrative alternative to commercial tools. Many companies and developers from OSS communities make a collaborative effort to improve the tools. Prior to this study, we developed an empirically based theory for companies' strategic choices on the development of these tools, based on empirical observations in the telecom domain. Aim: The aim of this study is to validate the theory of openness for tools in software engineering, in another domain, automotive. Specifically, we validated the theory propositions and mapped the case companies onto the model of openness. Method: We run focus groups in two automotive companies, collecting data in a survey and follow-up discussions. We used the repertory grid technique to analyze the survey responses, in combination with qualitative data from the focus group, to validate the propositions. Results: Openness of tools has the potential to reduce development costs and time, and may lead to process and product innovation. This study confirms three out of five theory propositions, on cost and time reduction, and the complementary role of open tools. One propositions was not possible to validate due to lack of investment in OSS tools communities by both companies. However, our findings extend the fifth proposition to require management being involved for both the proactive and reactive strategy. Further, we observe that the move towards open tools happen with a paradigm shift towards openness in the automotive domain, and lead to standardization of tools. Both companies confirm that they need legal procedures for the contribution, as well as an internal champion, driving the open tools strategy. Conclusion: We validated the theory, originating from the telecom domain, partially using two automotive companies. Both case companies are classified as laggards (reactive, cost saving) in the model of openness presented in the theory. Furthermore, we would like to have more validations studies to validate the remaining quadrants (e.g., leverage, lucrativeness and leaders).

product strategy

108.journal article

Detecting terminological ambiguity in user stories: Tool and experimentation.

Information and Software Technology, 2019, vol. 110, pp. 3-16

Dalpiaz Fabiano  •  Schalk Ivor Van Der  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak  •  Aydemir Fatma Basak  •  Lucassen Garm

Context. Defects such as ambiguity and incompleteness are pervasive in software requirements, often due to the limited time that practitioners devote to writing good requirements. Objective.We study whether a synergy between humans’ analytic capabilities and natural language processing is an effective approach for quickly identifying near-synonyms, a possible source of terminological ambiguity. Method.We propose a tool-supported approach that blends information visualization with two natural language processing techniques: conceptual model extraction and semantic similarity. We evaluate the precision and recall of our approach compared to a pen-and-paper manual inspection session through a controlled quasi-experiment that involves 57 participants organized into 28 groups, each group working on one real-world requirements data set. Results.The experimental results indicate that manual inspection delivers higher recall (statistically significant with p ≤ 0.01) and non-significantly higher precision. Based on qualitative observations, we analyze the quantitative results and suggest interpretations that explain the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions.Our experiment confirms conventional wisdom in requirements engineering: identifying terminological ambiguities is time consuming, even when with tool support; and it is hard to determine whether a near-synonym may challenge the correct development of a software system. The results suggest that the most effective approach may be a combination of manual inspection with an improved version of our tool.

product planning

109.conference paper

Technical debt triage in backlog management.

International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), 2019

Besker Terese  •  Martini Antonio  •  Bosch Jan

Remediation of technical debt through regular refactoring initiatives is considered vital for the software system's long and healthy life. However, since today's software companies face increasing pressure to deliver customer value continuously, the balance between spending developer time, effort, and resources on implementing new features or spending it on refactoring of technical debt becomes vital. The goal of this study is to explore how the prioritization of technical debt is carried out by practitioners within today's software industry. This study also investigates what factors influence the prioritization process and its related challenges. This paper reports the results of surveying 17 software practitioners, together with follow-up interviews with them. Our results show that there is no uniform way of prioritizing technical debt and that it is commonly done reactively without applying any explicit strategies. Often, technical debt issues are managed and prioritized in a shadow backlog, separate from the official sprint backlog. This study was also able to identify several different challenges related to prioritizing technical debt, such as the lack of quantitative information about the technical debt items and that the refactoring of technical debt issues competes with the implementation of customer requirements.

product planning

110.conference paper

Towards Ethical Data Ecosystems: A Literature Study

IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2019

Rantanen Minna M.  •  Hyrynsalmi Sami  •  Hyrynsalmi Sonja M.

While the importance of data is growing as the fuel of the new data economy, also the role of the data ecosystems is growing. The new data ecosystems enables the use, reuse and enrichment of big data sets by or together with third parties. However, in the context of technology management, the governance of these kinds of data ecosystems raises ethical questions and issues that should be acknowledged by researchers and practitioners. This study reviews the extant literature regarding the given advice about ethical considerations. The method of systematic literature study is used to collect the primary articles (N=20). The selected articles are analyzed and themed according to reoccurring themes: privacy, accountability, ownership, accessibility, and motivation. The results show the discussion is fragmented and concrete ethical guidelines are lacking. Thus, this study requires more work for governing data ecosystems in an ethical way.

product strategy

111.conference paper

Ecosystem: A Zombie Category?

IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2019

Hyrynsalmi Sami  •  Hyrynsalmi Sonja M.

What do you imagine in your mind when hearing the term `business ecosystem'? Is the image the same as your colleague's vision or how it was used in the latest ecosystem paper you have read? In this paper, Ulrich Beck's theory of a zombie category is used as an instrument to raise the question whether the general concept of an `ecosystem' is already a zombie category term-a term which has already dead and empty in content, while still being alive and used. `Business ecosystem' and its derivatives such as the `software ecosystem' are terms which do have a proper description; however, due to the widely use in different context, the terms might already be losing their original meaning.This paper reviews 20 highly-cited non-ecological ecosystem papers published after 2010. The papers represent the disciplines of engineering, social science and computer science. Five different usage cases are observed: (i) Sustainable use, (ii) Use as a synonym, (iii) Conflicting use, (iv) Use as a colloquial term, and (v) No actual use. The results implicate that term `ecosystem' might be under a zombie categorization process. Its implications and countermeasures are discussed in the paper.

product strategy

112.journal article

Value creation in innovation ecosystems: how the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations

Strategic Management Journal, 2010, vol. 31, issue 3, pp. 306-333

Adner Ron  •  Kapoor Rahul

The success of an innovating firm often depends on the efforts of other innovators in its environment. How do the challenges faced by external innovators affect the focal firm's outcomes? To address this question we first characterize the external environment according to the structure of interdependence. We follow the flow of inputs and outputs in the ecosystem to distinguish between upstream components that are bundled by the focal firm, and downstream complements that are bundled by the firm's customers. We hypothesize that the effects of external innovation challenges depend not only on their magnitude, but also on their location in the ecosystem relative to the focal firm. We identify a key asymmetry that results from the location of challenges relative to a focal firm—greater upstream innovation challenges in components enhance the benefits that accrue to technology leaders, while greater downstream innovation challenges in complements erode these benefits. We further propose that the effectiveness of vertical integration as a strategy to manage ecosystem interdependence increases over the course of the technology life cycle. We explore these arguments in the context of the global semiconductor lithography equipment industry from its emergence in 1962 to 2005 across nine distinct technology generations. We find strong empirical support for our framework. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Service orientation: winning strategies and best practices


Allen Paul R.  •  Allen Paul  •  Higgins Sam  •  McRae Paul  •  Schlamann Hermann

Cambridge University Press

114.journal article

The elements of value

Harvard Business Review, 2016, vol. 94, issue 9, pp. 47–53

Almquist Eric  •  Senior John  •  Bloch Nicolas

Lean customer development: Building products your customers will buy


Alvarez Cindy

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Business marketing: understand what customers value

Harvard Business Review, 1998, vol. 76, pp. 53–67

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Academy of Management Journal, 1984, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 5–24

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118.journal article

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Harvard Business Review, 1996, vol. 74, issue 4, pp. 100

Arthur W. Brian

119.conference paper

Productization: transforming from developing customer-specific software to product software

International Conference of Software Business, 2010, pp. 90–102

Artz Peter  •  Weerd Inge van de  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak  •  Fieggen Joost


Two ways to modernize IT systems for the digital era


Avedillo Juan Garcia  •  Begonha Duarte  •  Peyracchia Andrea

121.conference paper

Ethical guidelines for solving ethical issues and developing AI systems

International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2020, pp. 331–346

Balasubramaniam Nagadivya  •  Kauppinen Marjo  •  Kujala Sari  •  Hiekkanen Kari


DevOps: A software architect's perspective


Bass Len  •  Weber Ingo  •  Zhu Liming

Addison-Wesley Professional

123.conference paper

Customer is king? A framework to shift from cost-to value-based pricing in software as a service: the case of business intelligence software

Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, 2014, pp. 1–13

Baur Aaron W.  •  Genova Antony C.  •  Bühler Julian  •  Bick Markus


124.journal article

SPM Maturity Matrix

Utrecht University, 2010, pp. 22

Bekkers Willem  •  van de Weerd Inge

125.conference paper

A framework for process improvement in software product management

European Conference on Software Process Improvement, 2010, pp. 1–12

Bekkers Willem  •  Weerd Inge van de  •  Spruit Marco  •  Brinkkemper Sjaak

Springer section

Requirements prioritization

Engineering and managing software requirements, 2005, pp. 69–94

Berander Patrik  •  Andrews Anneliese


127.journal article

Quality requirements in industrial practice—an extended interview study at eleven companies

IEEE transactions on software engineering, 2011, vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 923–935

Svensson Richard Berntsson  •  Gorschek Tony  •  Regnell Björn  •  Torkar Richard  •  Shahrokni Ali  •  Feldt Robert

128.journal article

Bounty hunting in the patent base

Communications of the ACM, 2003, vol. 46, issue 3, pp. 27–29

Besaha Bob

The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that win


Blank Steve

John Wiley & Sons

130.journal article

Why the lean start-up changes everything

Harvard Business Review, 2013, vol. 91, issue 5, pp. 63–72

Blank Steve

The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company


Blank Steve  •  Dorf Bob

John Wiley & Sons

132.journal article

Entry strategies under competing standards: Hybrid business models in the open source software industry

Management science, 2006, vol. 52, issue 7, pp. 1085–1098

Bonaccorsi Andrea  •  Giannangeli Silvia  •  Rossi Cristina

133.journal article

The evolution of software pricing: from box licenses to application service provider models

Internet Research, 2000

Bontis Nick  •  Chung Honsan

134.conference paper

Building products as innovation experiment systems

International Conference of Software Business, 2012, pp. 27–39

Bosch Jan


135.conference paper

From software product lines to software ecosystems.

International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2009, vol. 9, pp. 111–119

Bosch Jan

Conflict and defense: A general theory


Boulding Kenneth Ewart

Pickle Partners Publishing

137.journal article

Design thinking

Harvard Business Review, 2008, vol. 86, issue 6, pp. 84

Brown Tim

138.journal article

ROI Valuation: The IT productivity Gap

Optimize magazine, 2003, vol. 21, pp. 1–4

Brynjolfsson Erik

139.journal article

The impact of tools on software productivity

IEEE Software, 1996, vol. 13, issue 5, pp. 29–38

Bruckhaus Tilmann  •  Madhavii N. H.  •  Janssen Ingrid  •  Henshaw John

140.journal article

Blue Ocean vs. Five Forces

Harvard Business Review, 2010, vol. 88, issue 5, pp. 28–29

Burke Andrew  •  van Stel André  •  Thurik Roy

141.conference paper

Information needs for software development analytics

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2012, pp. 987–996

Buse Raymond PL  •  Zimmermann Thomas


Product Marketing: For Technology Companies


Butje Mark


The software industry: Economic principles, strategies, perspectives


Buxmann Peter  •  Diefenbach Heiner  •  Hess Thomas

Springer Science & Business Media

144.conference paper

The sun also sets: Ending the life of a software product

International conference of software business, 2011, pp. 154–167

Jansen Slinger  •  Popp Karl Michael  •  Buxmann Peter


145.conference paper

Network effects on standard software markets: a simulation model to examine pricing strategies

IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, 2001, pp. 229–240

Buxmann Peter


Empowered: Ordinary people, extraordinary products


Cagan Marty

John Wiley & Sons

Inspired: How to create products customers love


Cagan Marty

SVPG Press Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Data protection: a practical guide to UK and EU law


Carey Peter

Oxford University Press, Inc.

149.journal article

Release planning in market-driven software product development: Provoking an understanding

Requirements engineering, 2002, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 139–151

Carlshamre Pär

150.conference paper

An industrial survey of requirements interdependencies in software product release planning

IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering, 2001, pp. 84–91

Carlshamre Pär  •  Sandahl Kristian  •  Lindvall Mikael  •  Regnell Björn  •  och Dag J. Natt


Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology


Chesbrough Henry William

Harvard Business Press

Platform Scale: For A Post-Pandemic World


Choudary Sangeet Paul

Penguin Random House India Private Limited

The innovator's solution: Creating and sustaining successful growth


Christensen Clayton  •  Raynor Michael

Harvard Business Review Press

154.conference paper

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International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2008, pp. 16–30

Classen Andreas  •  Heymans Patrick  •  Schobbens Pierre-Yves


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Cohn Mike

Addison-Wesley Professional

Agile estimating and planning


Cohn Mike

Pearson Education

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International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, 2005

Wohlin Claes  •  Aurum Aybüke


160.conference paper

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In the recent years, Software-as-a-Service has gained growing attention from software vendors as well as software customers. In this distribution and pricing model, software vendors are responsible for the operation and maintenance of solutions and customers pay for the service in form of continuous usage-based subscription fees. This study analyses the key characteristics of the Softwareas-a-Service concept and evaluates their influence on development processes of software vendors. Based on the literature, two defining characteristics (vendor-hosted, pay-per-usage) and five supportive characteristics (standardization, web-technologies, multi-tenancy, fine-granularity, continuous evolution) are identified. Two vendors of complex business applications – both applying a mix of deployment models – are analyzed to identify the impact of Software-as-a-Service on development processes, as well as the driving forces behind the change. The results indicate, that the concept especially affects the requirements engineering as well as operations phases. The combination of the defining characteristics results in an increased cost as well as innovation pressure. Vendors are challenged to optimize and streamline existing practices to reduce internal costs. At the same time, vendors need to innovate quicker. The combination of these aspects asks for an increased integration of internal activities like development and operations, as well as an increased customer-orientation and integration.

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